How to embody gratitude

My work centers on creating spaces within and spaces without that nurture healing, compassion and personal transformation. Through a blend of spiritual guidance and conscious design, I support my clients’ journey to peace and clarity in their environment and within themselves. With Thanksgiving on the horizon, I thought it might be nice to look at how we embody gratitude. What are the energetic components of gratitude and how does it play out in our reality?
Before we can extend any energy outward, we must first hold its vibration within us. We cannot give what we do not have. As we take the following questions into meditation, onto the yoga mat, on walks in nature or ink them in our journals we can examine our growth and how we resonate with our spirit. Some these questions might be easier to answer than others. That’s okay, it just means we have a little room to grow. If certain questions bring no immediate response, perhaps our hearts need a little more space to process the past. Integration takes time. We must surrender and trust that our spirit is communicating everything we need to know.
What big or small moments brought you peace?
If you struggle to remember peaceful moments, look at your schedule and see if you are devoting adequate time to daily contemplative practices. Taking time each day to restore our spirit sets the tone for daily living. By being in constant dialogue with our higher self, we bring a quality of stillness to our life. Because we know through our practice what peace feels like in our body, we are better at holding boundaries with others, staving off anxiety and fostering emotional resilience. We can now use our energy to follow our passion which is always going to be directly linked to our soul’s journey. We have a purpose in this lifetime, and connecting to our spirit is how we hear and follow that calling. Be mindful.
Who has impacted you in a positive way, and how?
Noticing the people that support us in meeting our goals or achieving tasks, brings more people like that into our life. Remember, like attracts like. When we allow people to give to us in times of need, we amplify the energetic pathway of love and support. Giving and receiving is symbiotic and it can take on various forms such as emotional, practical and energetic. If it only flows one way, then the giver is likely to experience burnout and feelings of resentment leading to a disconnection in the relationship. The receiver can become dependent, entitled or hold feelings of inadequacy and shame. It is important to have a balance between these two energies. Both giving and receiving are natural and nurturing to the spirit. Be appreciative.
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What has your family or community taught you about yourself this year?
We look for evidence in our immediate surroundings to validate our beliefs about life. Our family is our first community in life, and how we interact with those members teaches us how to participate in our community. We are born into families that have shared values through cultural or religious identities. We seek stability and safety in belonging making mutual respect and growth powerful allies in forming these connections. They will teach us either through love or abandonment skills that will contribute to our soul’s mission in life. If we at some point discover we no longer resonate with their tribal frequency then we may look for new people that will serve as our chosen family to provide that sense of belonging. Both family and community offer us ways to be connected to a framework that is larger than the self. Our soul is connected to all that is, so these relationships affirm our identity, expands our awareness, and give us outlets to express our creativity ensuring we are flowing harmoniously with each other. The lessons we have learned through these relationships tells a great deal about our true motives in life. Be connected.
What are you willing to release in your life that will open up your energy to receive something new?
By releasing patterns or beliefs that no longer serve our well-being, we create space in our energy field to attract new experiences. We are supposed to expand and become more flexible in life. The goal is not to be in control (which is impossible) but to be able to adapt to the changes that occur. When we move in rhythm with our preferences, we create openings for the universe to bring the people and situations that resonate with our natural frequency. We then move into the flow of life with joy and ease. Even when we are confronted with challenges, we see them as opportunities to learn new things about ourselves. It is when we have exhausted all possibility for growth with the energy at play that change comes bringing us a new timeline to explore. Be free.
If you could go back to the beginning of the year and offer yourself guidance, what would it be?
Lastly, by going back in time to January and offering ourselves guidance as to how to handle 2024, we can reflect on the lessons learned, celebrate achievements and note themes that were both healthy and unhealthy. We can reconnect with our goals and see how well our intuition guided us through the tough times. It is an opportunity to release any regrets and devote some time to healing old wounds. We can then choose to place our focus on what really matters to us in life.
Be renewed.
This thanksgiving is an opportunity to be with the people that we consider family and hold gratitude and appreciation for our inner journey as much as our outer. Remember that our external world will always reflect our internal beliefs. As we take the time to understand how we responded to life through those beliefs, we realign with our core values. We begin to approach our decisions from a place of clarity, knowing we can trust in our wisdom. This carries over into regulating our emotions and cultivating more compassion for others. We learn through these encounters how to cultivate presence which stimulates our creativity and leads to fun. We find meaning to our existence and accept the uncertainty that life brings with grace. Be present.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sabrina Matheny is a gifted medium, a devoted writer in the realm of spirit and energy, and your guide to Welcoming the Woo. If you’re seeking clarity, direction, or want to connect with spirit and are interested in booking a reading, click here to learn more. For self-help wisdom and insight into energetic enlightenment, peruse her archive of articles.