
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-Cashiers) has opened 18 offices throughout the 11th Congressional District. “Constituents can set up meetings at any of the district office locations to receive help with anything from navigating the federal government to assistance with their Social Security and Medicare,” Meadows said.

Office locations include:

• Haywood County Justice Center, 285 N. Main Street in Waynesville. Hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 828.452.6022.

• Jackson County’s Southwestern Commission Building, 125 Bonnie Lane in Sylva. Hours are 9 a.m. to noon the first and third Thursday of the month.

• Macon County Courthouse, 5 W. Main Street, Room 332 in Franklin. Hours are 10 a.m. to noon and 1-3 p.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month. 828.349.2025 x2602.

•  Cherokee Ginger Welch Building, 810 Acquoni Road in Cherokee. Hours are from 10 a.m. to noon and 1-3 p.m. the fourth Tuesday of the month.

•  Swain County Administration Building, 101 Mitchell Street in Bryson City. Hours are 1:30-4:30 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of the month.


In honor of Sunshine Week in North Carolina, Carolina Public Press will hold a “Full Disclosure” workshop in the Cardinal Conference Room at Western Carolina University from 2:30-6 p.m. on April 4.

The event will give journalists, students, public information officers, citizens and civic and IT leaders the essential tools, guides and instruction needed to understand and access public records and data at the local, state and federal levels. It will provide up-to-date case studies including court cases and proposed legislation.

Trainers include Amanda Martin, N.C. Press Association’s general counsel; Jon Elliston, investigations and open government editor at Carolina Public Press; and Angie Newsome, executive director and editor of Carolina Public Press.

Admission is free for WCU students with an ID and $30 for all others. Advance registration is required, and seating is limited. or 828.279.0949.


fr sccA contingent of administrators from Southwestern Community College made a pitch to Jackson County commissioners Monday to help pay for a campus building plan.


A seemingly endless array of mountain music and dance will be showcased at the Dr. Ann R. Wilke Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser from noon to 10 p.m. Saturday, March 23, at the Haywood County Fairgrounds in Waynesville.

Entertainment will be provided by The Inmans, The Believers, Cross Ridge, Branded Heart, Mountain Tradition, Bobby & Blue Ridge, Southern Appalachian Cloggers, Smoky Mountain Stompers, Fines Creek Flatfooters, Dixie Darlins, The Blackberry Jam Band and The Coffee Branch Band. There will be various demonstrations, displays and related discussions of music and dance. Food and refreshment will be on-hand. 

Wilke practiced medicine in rural communities, often sacrificing her time and effort in making house calls and providing care and comfort to families in need. She was well aware of the negative impact of drug dependency issues on the family structure. This memorial scholarship, dedicated in her name, is to provide financial education and career training assistance for young adults of Haywood County who have survived the challenges of drug dependency issues within their immediate family environment. 

The event is free and open to the public.

828.627.1931 or 828.280.6188 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


art easterCommunities across the mountains are rolling out the green carpet for the Easter bunny over the next two weekends. Check out the “Easter Events” section of the calendar for a full lineup Easter egg hunts, Easter services and even breakfast with the Easter Bunny.


art keysWith her unmistakable blend of soul, hip-hop, jazz and classical music, superstar Alicia Keys will be performing at 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 27, at Harrah’s Cherokee Event Center.


art sheilakayThe Liars Bench will present storyteller/musician Sheila Kay Adams at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 28, in the Mountain Heritage Center auditorium at Western Carolina University.


bookBy Ted Olson • Contributing writer

New Native Press, a small independent book publisher based in Tuckasegee in Jackson County, recently issued a book offering new translations of poems composed by the internationally recognized Spanish-language poets Federico Garcia Lorca and Pablo Neruda. Both of those poets have long been familiar figures to serious fans of poetry, with all of Lorca’s and most of Neruda’s work translated into English during the past half-century by various translators.  


By Kenn Jacobine

I have this cousin, let’s call him Giovanni. He is a great guy – industrious, hospitable, great family man. He is my go to source when it comes to information and analysis about sports in general and baseball in particular.  

It is an entirely different story when it comes to economics. Oh, he is financially successful, but like most Americans he doesn’t understand how the market works.  

Now, I am not talking about the “free” market, just the market, which exists everywhere and in every place. The market is the arena of commerce, and whether it is free or not depends on government allowances in the various geographic areas of the world.

So, technology has made it possible for Giovanni and me to rekindle our familial relationship that was forged many years ago through the trading of Matchbox cars. Well, actually, he is so much older than I am that he made and brought them to me when his family visited ours. I told you he was a great guy.

He is also good at chasing me through cyberspace by email, facebook, and on open threads of sites where I post my blog to argue economics with me.    

Last Friday, he emailed me an article titled “A Breakthrough Speech on Monetary Policy.” The author, Anatole Kaletsky, is an award-winning journalist. The “Break-through Speech” in question was delivered by Adair Turner, Chairman of Britain’s Financial Services Authority and one of the most influential financial policymakers on the planet.

Clearly both men are dyed-in-the-wool Keynesians because Turner’s speech and Kaletsky’s article both recommended that politicians and central bankers print up lots of money and dole it out to consumers in order to stimulate the economy to end the economic stagnation that the West currently finds itself in. 

Specifically, Kaletsky believes the Fed should take the $85 billion it is currently spending to buy government bonds from banks and instead distribute it to every man, woman, and child in America. He believes, “There can be little doubt that this deluge of free money would stimulate consumer spending and revive employment,” thus ending the West’s economic doldrums. Further, Kaletsky believes this proposal would not cause price inflation because “links between monetary financing and hyperinflation are theoretically dubious and historically unjustified.”

So, after digesting this economically nonsensical article, I owed Giovanni a response.

Firstly, I indicated to him that monetary inflation does lead to price inflation unless perhaps productivity keeps up with increased money supply. Just in the 20th century, one could look to the Weimar Republic and many Latin American countries from time to time. Zimbabwe is the most recent example. In fact, all of history is littered with societies that attempted to inflate their way out of depression and instead brought about hyperinflation.

Secondly, I told him that personally I would gain greatly from Kaletsky’s proposal, but that it would harm the economy in the long-run and further destroy an already disappearing middle class. Given many Americans spendthrift mentality, could you imagine what would happen if they received “free” money each month from the government? First off, Uncle Sam would never be able to rescind the policy. It would be like trying to cut Social Security benefits.  

Beyond that, there is no doubt that, unlike the banks, leveraged to the hilt American consumers would spend all of their newfound riches on a plethora of consumer goods.  The economy would experience another phony boom based on monetary inflation.  Employment would improve for a while. The new money would bid up the price of goods and services thereby causing domestic price inflation.

Personally, my real estate investments would increase in value, allowing me to sell them to some economically naïve person with free government money in his pockets.  The value of my gold holdings would increase exponentially. I would be sitting pretty, protected from the impending economic bust that was made inevitable by the phony inflationary boom.

As prices rise, so would interest rates. All the investments begun at lower interest rates would become more expensive. Many would not be sustainable at the higher cost of money. Sound familiar? It should, because this is what happen in the 1990s with the bubble and what also happened in the 2000s with the housing bubble.

As defaults on loans increase, unemployment picks up and the market is thrust into another downturn. I am sure at that point Giovanni and other Keynesians will blame the free market. But, of course, the only thing that was free in all this was the money the Fed gave to consumers.

Predictably, his response to my response was that I am living in a fantasy world. Unfortunately, he is wrong. The devastation that millions of hard-working Americans would experience if the above plan is enacted wouldn’t be a fantasy. It would be a tragedy.

(Kenn Jacobine teaches internationally and maintains a summer residence in Haywood County. He can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


out booth displayFarmers market vendors can get tips on how to set up their booths at a free seminar called “Booth Display for the Farmers Market” from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 19, at the Haywood Community College Student Center.


The musical “Angelina Ballerina” will be onstage at 7 p.m. Saturday, March 16, at the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts in Franklin, brought by the award-winning Vital Theatre Company of New York.

The musical follows 8-year-old Angelina as she starts a new school where she makes friends with a cast of characters who celebrate music and bring to life many forms of dance including ballet, modern, tap, jazz, classical and ethnic. Angelina, a beloved mouse, and her friends are aflutter because a special guest is coming to visit Camembert Academy. She works very hard to reach her goals and learn from her mistakes as she focuses on her dreams. She inspires children of all ages to do the same.

Tickets start at $16 per person. or 866.273.4615.


Smoky Mountain Roller Girls “Spring Fling’Her” bout against G-Force (Gastonia) is scheduled for 5 p.m. Saturday, March 16 at the Swain County Recreation Center in Bryson City.

Proceeds from the bout will benefit the Big Brother and Big Sister Program of Swain County. The Smoky Mountain Roller Girls are also asking fans to bring toiletry donations for families in need.

Smoky Mountain Roller Girls is a non-profit all women’s flat track derby team from Bryson City. Women interested in joining are invited to come check out the team during their twice-weekly practices held Sunday and Wednesday evenings from 6 to 9 p.m.

There is also a Balsam Mountain Roller Girls team that is based in Waynesville.

Tickets for Spring Fling’Her are $5, with children under 5 free.

Tuckasegee Tavern will be hosting an after party beginning at 8 p.m. following the bout.


art wheelstimeWheels Through Time Museum, one of America’s most famous motorcycling destinations located in Maggie Valley, will be featured on the show “Small Town Big Deal,” which airs on RFD-TV at 9:30 p.m. Thursday, March 14.


art wcubandWestern Carolina University’s Pride of the Mountains Marching Band will be highlighted next week at the national convention of the College Band Directors National Association in Greensboro.


art textileartThe exhibit “Textures” featuring the work of nine textile artists will open next week at the Haywood County Arts Council’s Gallery 86, in downtown Waynesville.


To the Editor:

I am concerned that the decision to remove the trees at the courthouse was hasty and ill-judged. Once mature trees are removed, they will not be replaceable in our lifetime.

According to Cornell University, sugar maples, such as those at the courthouse, are long-lived, often 300 to 400 years. While topping these trees can cause damage and promote weak limb structure, selective thinning can restore strength and vigor to them.

My inspection of these trees does not reveal any widespread disease or decay problems except in one or two. Although not a certified arborist, I do have personal experience with sugar maples in that we bought a property 12 years ago with three maples of about the same age as those at the courthouse. They also had been topped years ago, which caused them to develop thin weak branches. Over the last 12 years I have selectively removed branches which are too close together, thin or weak. Now, 12 years later, the trees appear strong, healthy and well shaped. We have not had any problem with limb breakage.

While not impugning Mr. Leatherwood's credentials, I do wonder whether he has any particular expertise with sugar maples. Just as one would not want a dermatologist to treat a heart condition, I would like to know that the decision to remove these maple trees is guided by an expert on maples.

I would also suggest that the liability concerns sound overstated. The trees are not going to rain death down on a playing child on a calm summer day. Yes, in a severe ice storm branches may break. In a severe windstorm, a tree may fall. But people are not going to be strolling or picnicking under the trees in these circumstances. Additionally, the height and location of most of the trees do not seem to pose much if any structural risk to the courthouse. Further-more, the county does have liability insurance. Has any insurance official suggested that these trees pose any undue risk?

I would be the first to advocate removal of dangerous trees. The trees in my yard are taller than those of the courthouse and they are close to my house. But there is no reason to suspect that they pose any excessive risk, nor has my insurance agent suggested such.

Yes, danger can lurk anywhere: people have been killed by lightning out of a blue sky. The question is should we sacrifice beauty to an unreasonable fear? Removing these trees is not going to make our lives appreciably safer or more comfortable. Rather, removing them will take away an icon of our community and impoverish our landscape. There should be no stampede to sacrifice the history and beauty of these trees for what seems to be a theoretical concern.

William Dinwiddie, MD

Haywood County


To the Editor:

After all the time and effort put forth by the citizens of Macon and Swain counties, the NCDOT is back again wanting to pave Needmore Road. It seems the public gets to have its input, but does anyone listen? We have our say, but we are not heard. Things seem to be settled for a short period, but then it’s right back again. Most of the people do not want to see their history, heritage and our beautiful God-made mountains and rivers destroyed.

In the early 1900s, Needmore was purchased to make way for a dam. The dam never materialized, so in 2003 it was designated as a wildlife sanctuary. As people discovered its beauty and diversity, more and more people came. Now the uniqueness that it was created for has turned into its worst enemy — everybody wants to come, and they want it changed to suit themselves. Forget wildlife, beauty, peace, etc. Now it’s “I want this, I want that, I want I want; I don’t want this old gravel road. I want a nice new paved one.”

My grandchildren love to go to Needmore. They love to get on the swinging bridge, look at rocks and wildflowers, and see all the wonders they would not get to see. It is amazing to them. At Needmore they are free to roam.

Needmore is also a sportsman’s paradise. They can hunt, swim, canoe, walk for miles, look at wildflowers, birds and experience a little piece of undisturbed natural beauty,

Don’t pave Needmore, save Needmore.

Judie Parrish Whitus

(Editor’s note: The final draft of the following letter was received before removal of the maples on the courthouse lawn was tarted. Several of the trees have now been removed.)


To the Editor:

In all the current commentary about gun violence in the wake of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook, little if any attention has been give to the roots of the problem in our Western/American culture.

Three aspects come to mind:

• Individualism — The rights of the individual are supreme. “I want what I want when I want it.” Personal advancement, competition, recognition are primary. Community well-being, social cohesion, the common good are subordinate.

• Superiority — We’re different, better than those others. The perpetrators are different from us, inferior, something’s wrong with them — never with us. We stigmatize them, set them apart as needing to be treated, ostracized, locked up. We could never do anything like that. We’re different.

• Violence as a legitimate means of winning, dominating, controlling. Whether in the form of military invasion (Iraq), fighting crime (mass incarceration, the death penalty), being Number One (sports, test scores), or asserting who’s boss (corporal punishment, video games, spouse abuse), or exploitation of the environment, violence is OK.

To be sure, this is not all there is to American culture, but these three attitudes are front and center, and combined they make violence acceptable — and inevitable.

It doesn’t have to be this way, and in fact it isn’t in most traditional cultures around the world (several of which I’ve lived in). Rather than Descartes’ “I think, therefore I am” — which sets people apart — their motto is “I belong, therefore I am,” which draws folks together. Among the indigenous Hawaiians, for example, whom I visited last year, the three pillars of culture are: (1) “Olu’olu” (compatible, non-conflictive, mellow, comfortable, affirming); (2) “Lokahi” (importance of family, seeing things holistically); and (3) “Aloha” (caring, sharing, inclusiveness, love).

Such sets of fundamental values, learned from early childhood, shape our self-understanding and relations with one another — and with religions (Islam), nations (Iran), and cultures (Hispanic) different from our own. Realizing that there are alternatives to ours is a first step toward making a deep cultural shift. Are we up to it? Or are we resigned to more Sandy Hooks around the corner?

Doug Wingeier



To the Editor:

What a wonderful evening recently at the Bardo Arts Center. Western Carolina University School of Music presented The Symphony Band, 108 students conducted by David Starnes and Graduate Conductor Emily Talley. It was so encouraging to see these young people coming together with one goal, music!

It takes dedication, motivation, a great deal of discipline and of course practice, practice, practice to perform at the Bardo. My favorite number right after “The Star Spangled Banner” was “An American Elegy.” It was composed in memory of those who lost their lives at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, and to honor the survivors. It was so moving and such an inspiration of hope. Congratulations to the students, the conductors and to the school of music.

That being said, the one disappointment was that the auditorium was not packed. I must say that those who were not in attendance missed a marvelous evening of entertainment and for those of us who were there it was a pleasure. Thank you, Western Carolina University School of Music.

Frank Parrish



To the Editor:

From my perspective, much of the discussion of whether or not to allow annexation of Lake Junaluska by Waynesville is a result of the deep felt emotional attachment many of the residents have to Lake Junaluska and a perceived loss of identity. In truth, I see the driving factor and the underlying focus of the Municipal Study Task Force as necessarily being the more realistic financial sustainability of the Lake Junaluska community and the Lake Junaluska Conference Center and Retreat. The Municipal Study Task Force has fairly, thoughtfully and expansively reviewed the issue of what is in the best interest of sustaining Lake Junaluska and of preserving the quality of life and sense of community for its residents. Both the minutes of their meetings (and the other governing committees) as well as the infrastructure studies and costs have been made accessible on the Lake Junaluska website for those persons who could not attend the public meetings.

Many of the public meetings were indeed held during the spring, summer and early fall months of 2012 when most people visit their homes at Lake Junaluska. Claims that there was not enough notice, or that no meetings were held during the summer months, or that enough time has not been taken, simply overlook the need to step forward and make a deliberate but forward-looking decision on what truly is in the overall best interests of everyone —both for Junaluskans and, just as importantly, for the residents of Waynesville.

Without question, Waynesville is one of  (if not the best) more well-run and progressive cities in Western North Carolina in terms of economic stability, governance and quality of life. Gaining Waynesville’s resources, expertise in governance and professional leadership is a bonus for the future of Lake Junaluska that should not be overlooked or even taken lightly. The recent articles contained in the Feb. 20-26 print edition of the SMN on “Junaluka’s Crossroads” clearly lay out the longstanding support that Waynesville has provided to Lake Junaluska with much shared goodwill and economic advantages given in return.

But, this is now, and Waynesville, with care and due diligence, is making Lake Junaluska an offer that may not be available or attractive or politically feasible in an additional two years time. Preliminary talks between Lake Junaluska and Waynesville have, I believe, shown that there are far more positive aspects to annexation and relatively few, if any, serious distractions. The 11th hour suggestion that Lake Junaluska should consider incorporation and self-governance itself does not rise to the same level of fiscal sustainability, expansion of resources, and level of professional governance that annexation affords. Go back and read the Task Force minutes on why they became more conceptually aligned with the idea of annexation and why they found much more questionable the idea of incorporation.  

A major consequence of keeping the status quo is that, in my understanding, it immediately puts the Lake Junaluska community on the hook for the initial $3 million dollars of necessary infrastructure repair. While I have the greatest sympathy and respect for continuing the unique sense of community that Lake Junaluska offers, I believe that annexation still allows for that sense of community to continue — literally unchanged in spirit. And, more importantly, Lake Junaluska decidedly and urgently needs to move in a direction of sustainability and growth. Keeping the status quo or waiting only delays an inevitable time when this community will reach a tipping point where it cannot sustain itself. Then what?

The answer would first have to be additionally increased service fees and/or possible assessments — at this point there would be no time left to find a way to effectively spread the risk. Politically, there may not be a time when annexation would be in as potentially a favorable position as it appears to be now at both the state and local level.

Am I concerned about political representation of Lake Junaluska’s interests by the Waynesville’s Board of Aldermen? Yes, to an extent, but I trust that Lake Junaluska’s interests will be treated in the equitable and fair manner, comment attributed to the town manager on this issue. Realistically and practically the time to act is now — annexation will allow Lake Junaluska to grow and expand its vision both short term and in the long term. Change is essential.    

James Ryer

Lake Junaluska property owner


To the Editor:

Ms. Abel’s letter said that the state’s Democratic ideals are fading fast since the last election (“State’s democratic ideals fading fast,” Feb. 27, SMN). For about 140 years North Carolina was under the control of the Democratic Party of North Carolina. That meant that all 100 counties had two Democrats on the Board of Elections and one Republican. For the next four years these board will have two Republicans on the board and one Democrat.  

This change came because Pat McCrory defeated the former Democratic Lt. Governor in the last election, but for the next four years all of the counties will have two Republicans and one Democrat on the local election boards. In addition the Republican candidates’ names will appear first on the ballot instead of the Democratic candidates’ names. That has been a big advantage the Democrats enjoyed for 140 years. 

Currently we have about the fifth highest unemployment rate in the country. Gov. Pat McCrory’s job will be to lower that rate and get our men and women off of the welfare rolls and back onto the payrolls. Our state taxes exceed the taxes in our surrounding states of Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia and South Carolina. If raising taxes would have put more people to work, Gov. Perdue would still be in office. Gov. Perdue’s plan of taxing the rich did not work.

We will have voter ID in our state. Any legally registered person in our state can get a voter ID card. They are free. Try getting into the governor’s mansion without a valid ID card or getting a library card. Not being able to get a valid ID card is a false argument. 

In four years, the citizens of North Carolina can dump Gov. McCrory if he does not improve the employment rate in the state. Too many North Carolina citizens have lost their homes and their jobs in the last four years. Let’s hope the Gov. McCrory can get our state headed in the right direction.

Finally, for many years the Democratic Party controlled our state without evil consequences. However, in the last few years there have been some troubled times in our governor’s mansion. If Gov. McCrory can bring prosperity back to North Carolina we will all be better off, including Ms. Abel.

Jim Mueller



op frBy Ken Stahl • Guest Columnist

There appears to be controversy concerning the proposed 2 percent occupancy tax increase. This is a good thing as it generates a reflection on concerns of the stakeholders. Several issues have been discussed, and a lot of people have been confused as to what this is all about.

We here in Haywood County must rely on tourism for our livelihood. Almost all of our industrial jobs are gone. The big players in tourism here in Western North Carolina are our neighbor to the east, Buncombe County, and our neighbors to the west, the Cherokee. Buncombe County tourists spend approximately $729 million per year in the county. Swain County tourists spend approximately $256 million. We struggle to get tourists to spend $116 million annually with us.


The Haywood Community College Board of Trustees has decided not to release the names of its finalists for president of the community college — even though it did so during the first round of searching last year.

Three finalists have been chosen, but only the person who is ultimately chosen as the next president will be publicly named, said Chairman Bob Morris Monday.


Teachers invited to bring the AT into their classroom

Teachers and educators interested in incorporating the Appalachian Trail into their lessons ad classrooms can apply to the Trail to Every Classroom program, a series of three workshops led by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy.

The program encompasses the fundamentals of hiking, environmental stewardship and ethics, GPS technology, grant writing, an opportunity for backpacking, networking and curriculum writing specific to the educator’s instructional subject.

More than 275 teachers along the Appalachian Trail corridor from Georgia to Maine have gone through the workshops, including several teachers and students in Macon and Jackson counties have graduated from the program, and in turn many have developed their own outdoor-oriented curriculums to offer their students.

All lodging, meals, and materials are included. Deadline is March 15.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or


Appalachian Trail ambassador appointed for WNC

Mary Bennett has been selected by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy to serve as a volunteer trail ambassador for Franklin in Macon County.

Franklin has been designated an official Appalachian Trail community.

Bennett will serve as a community liaison to the ATC and the Nantahala Hiking Club to encourage volunteerism and stewardship of the Appalachian Trail at the local level.

Bennett has lived in the Franklin community for nearly 20 years and enjoys the mountains and forests in the Nantahala region. She is an educator, horticulturalist, hiker and has section hiked much of the AT. She enjoys designing environmental service learning opportunities for students and leading nature-oriented activities for families. This is her second year as an Ambassador.


Newfound Gap Road (U.S. 441) through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is expected to be repaired and open by May 15 in time for the busy summer travel season.

The Federal Highways Administration has just awarded a nearly $4 million contract to Phillips & Jordan Inc. of Robbinsville. The contract has a May 15 completion date.

Last week, the company prepped to begin work on phase two of the reconstruction project, which will include rebuilding the paved roadway and filling the area washed away during the landslide with crushed stone. The design will allow for the drainage of water, which will protect the road and park resources from future damage.

The contract stipulates the company could earn bonus money of up to $18,000 per day for each day the project is finished before the May 15 deadline, up to a maximum of $500,000. This was offered jointly by the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indian and the National Park Service. Likewise, the contractor will be charged $18,000 per day past May 15

Newfound Gap Road will remain closed to thru traffic during the construction, but visitors are still able to access the park to Newfound Gap from the Tennessee side and to Collins Creek Picnic Area from the Cherokee entrance.  


out assaultblackrockThe third annual Assault on Black Rock will test the strength and stamina of trail runners as they try to make it to the top of Pinnacle Park outside Sylva on Saturday, March 16, in Sylva.


out waterfallA guided hike in the Deep Creek area of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park will be held on Tuesday, March 19, by Friends of the Smokies.


An event called “Climbin’ the Chimney” from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on March 2 is an opportunity to for participants to scale Chimney Rock with regional climbing education organization, Fox Mountain Guides. Chimney Rock is located in Chimney Rock State Park, about 25 miles southeast of Asheville.

Beginners will have the opportunity to climb on Vista Rock and rappel off a rock slab, while experienced climbers can try two difficult routes up the iconic Chimney. Two to four climbs and rappels are offered for $20 plus the cost of admission to the park. 

All equipment is provided and no experience is necessary. In addition to guided rock climbing, there will be climbing tactics and gear talks, climbing equipment demos and recreational climbing information. There will also be a guided group hike.


Duke Energy is helping to fund new educational and environmental projects as part of its hydropower relicensing agreement in the Nantahala region.

Projects include a new high school agri-science program, a youth environmental summer camp, and other educational programs and equipment that enhance soil and water conservation. Duke awarded more than $93,600 in conservation grants to local soil and water conservation districts. 

Funded projects include:

• Jackson and Swain counties Soil and Water Conservation Districts: $34,000 to fund a natural resources youth summer camp (partnering with Swain County).

• Macon County Soil and Water Conservation District: $10,950 to purchase equipment that reduces invasive plant species, promote awareness of invasive plant species along the Little Tennessee River Greenway, and host a landowner workshop for road construction.


out polarplungeAround 30 daring souls splashed and jumped into Lake Junaluska last Saturday for the first annual “Polar Plunge” to raise money for Haywood Waterways Kids in the Creek program.


out wcutrailWestern Carolina University’s new trail system is open and ready for bikers, hikers and runners. About 100 people turned out Saturday, Feb. 23, for an outdoor campus celebration to mark the trail’s formal opening.


To the Editor:

Scott McLeod (Feb. 6 SMN) pays tribute to the value of a liberal arts education. Even though I never earned a B.A. degree, my college and high school background in literature, philosophy, music and religion has greatly enriched my life.

Bill Sullivan



To the Editor:

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the building boom of million dollar homes in Jackson County supported this county’s people?

Hiring local contractors and skilled laborers, as well as employing the abundant resource of manual labor in the area would do much to alleviate the cost of social services and lift the spirits and quality of life of those whose people have lived here for centuries. Many of them are descendants of the ones who created the “mountain culture” that so enriches our lives and yours. Many of them perform and create works of art and craft themselves. These are the folks who live locally and will spend their incomes locally, improving the town and countryside.

Hiring outside contractors may be alluring as to the initial bid (which, by the way, can be often overrun). Outsiders aren’t familiar with the local building codes and steep slope ordinance codes that in the long run will make your homes more valuable. No one wants a home that slides off the mountain, into the river, or has a mudslide on top of it.

The paychecks of laborers from out of state will barely make a dent in the local economy, as they will most likely be spent in chain motels, stores, and restaurants. The bulk of these monies go out of the state, as will the proceeds.

Please help to preserve and protect the beauty that you have come here seeking, and you will in turn be respected and well served.

Martha Thomas



To the Editor:

The claim of Frank Parrish and others over the past few years that Dillsboro is a ghost town is highly exaggerated. By all accounts, most Dillsboro merchants had a very good 2012. My retail store broke even its first year and posted a profit the second year (2012). These are the facts people. It’s not the boom times for anybody in the region, but far from the doom and gloom you have been reading about.

David Marker

Secretary, Dillsboro Merchants Association


To the Editor:

Little has changed in Cherokee since a 1989 Parade Magazine cover story, “Are Our Zoos Humane?” named a Cherokee bear exhibit as one of the 10 worst zoos in America. Thus, I was very pleased to read your story, “Cherokee entertains idea of bear sanctuary,” and learn that there is finally some talk about improving conditions for these magnificent animals currently languishing in pits and cages. Imagine if you (or your dog) were kept in a cramped cage or concrete pit, unable to express the simplest of natural behaviors, and forced to beg for food from tourists. 

Cherokee zoos have been repeatedly cited by the USDA for inadequate housing, injury hazards such as protruding nails and structurally unsound shelters, inadequate veterinary care for sick and dying animals, lack of sufficient space, lack of adequate foods, etc. And USDA standards are quite minimal. 

Several years ago, Bob Barker wrote the following to Chief Michell Hicks: “The pacing, begging and moaning evident in the bear displays in Cherokee are signs that their most basic needs are not being met … the archaic caging and public feeding must go.” At the time, Chief Hicks reacted with anger and denial. I commend him for finally acknowledging the need for change, although I am sorry to read that he opposes removing the bears from the reservation. 

I think the best answer is for these animals to be sent to bona fide sanctuaries to live out the rest of their natural lives in peace, and for the reservation to say no to captive animal exhibits.

Stewart David



To the Editor:

A recent letter writer makes a number of unsubstantiated and flat out erroneous claims about Obamacare, otherwise known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA). These sound like talking points from some right-wing propaganda organ.

First, the writer claims that Obamacare will cause the decline in the quality of medical care. There is absolutely no evidence for this. 

Second is the common theme that the ACA comes between the patient and doctor relationship. This too is bogus. Private insurance that denied payment for preexisting conditions certainly came between the doctor-patient relationship. Refusals by private insurance to pay for certain conditions have doomed many to death just as being uninsured has resulted in many deaths.

Third, the writer brings up costs. Private insurance takes up to 30 percent of the premiums you pay for profit, advertising, multimillion dollar executive salaries, and other “overhead.” 

The writer also criticized the coverage of contraception as driving up taxes. Availability of contraception actually saves money. It is more expensive to cover pregnancy and birth than funding contraceptives.

Finally, the writer claims that Congress passed ACA because of “bribes to fund state wish lists” without giving any examples or evidence for this. Again, propaganda without facts.

People should start looking at the facts instead of propaganda. For example, the overhead (proportion of money not available for direct care) for Medicare is under 5 percent. The overhead for private insurance ranges from around 20 percent to more than 30 percent. Now tell me which is the more efficient system.

If we are to have a discussion, at least cite facts, not phony propaganda.

Norman Hoffman



To the Editor:

Our founding fathers, framing our Constitution, created a representative democracy. They formed a republic, a government where the people vote for representatives to govern for them who reflect their views. This is an indirect democracy, a government by majority rule of the voters. The founding fathers also created a three-branch government. The executive, legislative and judicial branches are independent of each other assuring that no one branch seizes too much power. These founding principles of our government are under attack in the state of North Carolina.

Throughout our history the right to vote has been expanding to include African-American men, women and the nation’s youth (by reducing the voting age to 18). Today their basic right is under threat. If our state legislature passes a law requiring voter IDs almost half a million registered voters, mainly our youth, the elderly, the poor and minorities, would be denied their voting right. Supporters of voter ID argue this law will combat voter fraud. Voter fraud is almost nonexistent in North Carolina.

After the election of 2010, state legislatures redrew their congressional districts reflecting population changes resulting from the census. The Republican-dominated state legislature redrew N.C. legislative districts, manipulating them to favor Republican candidates. A majority of North Carolina voters cast their votes as Democrats in the 2012 election. As a result of gerrymandered districts, Republican legislators hold over 70 percent of the seats. Some gerrymandering was practiced by past state legislatures. “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”

When elections are manipulated to favor one political party and not the will of the people, democracy is lost. There are currently court challenges to these gerrymandered districts that are not yet settled.

House Bill 10, recently passed in the N.C. state Senate, would allow Gov. Pat McCrory to eliminate 12 special Superior Court judges and change the makeup of the state Board of Elections. These unnecessary changes would serve to consolidate political power in the hands of the governor and the Republican Party. Altering the structure of our state judiciary is a serious threat to the principle of separation of powers that is so basic to our democracy. Replacing members of the Board of Elections with political appointees would place greater power and influence in the hands of one party: Republicans.

The above developments threaten to undermine the very foundations of our republic, a government representing the will of the people. Concentrating power in the executive branch endangers democracy. The state of North Carolina appears to be moving toward oligarchy, government by the few. History provides an example of possible disastrous consequences when one political party, dominated by a powerful executive, gains control over a government. “Evil triumphs when good men (and women) do nothing.” Citizens need to email, write or call elected officials. Speak up for democracy!

Margery Abel



To the Editor:

Contrary to articles recently published in our local papers, there is much opposition to the proposed law to increase the Haywood County Tourism Development Authority occupancy tax by an additional 2 percent, raising the taxes to an unprecedented 13 percent for people who stay in Haywood County lodgings. 

At a special called meeting of the Maggie Valley Area Lodging Association on Friday, Feb. 22, our membership had a chance to voice their opinions and concerns. Members who were not able to attend this meeting sent in emails that overwhelmingly indicated their opposition to this proposal. 

The Maggie Valley Area Lodging Association presented a position at a special Maggie Valley Town Board meeting on Monday, Feb. 25, at town hall in Maggie. A motion was made at our meeting that states: “We as an organization oppose the proposed legislation, as written.” This motion has unanimous approval. In addition, we feel that the bill, as proposed, is being “fast-tracked” without adequate research as to its implementation and impact. 

Sue Koziol


Maggie Valley Area Lodging Association


op frBy Martin Dyckman • Guest Columnist

The United States spends twice as much on health care as most other modern nations, with less to show for it in terms of longevity and other true measures of health. The reasons why — and what we could and should do about it — make the March 4 edition of TIME probably the most important single issue of any magazine ever published.

Steven Brill’s cover story, “Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us,” takes up nearly the entire edition. Anyone who cares about this — and who doesn’t — needs to buy or borrow the magazine now or download the article from TIME’s website. It’s a keeper.


The annual “Empty Bowl” fundraiser will be held from 3 to 7 p.m. Saturday, March 2, at The Open Door Soup Kitchen in Waynesville.

Local potters donate handcrafted bowls, which guests can then buy — filled with soup — for a $20 donation to the Open Door.

In addition to the handcrafted bowl by a local potter, the donation includes a simple meal of soup, cornbread, dessert and refreshments. Patrons are asked to keep their bowl as a reminder of all the empty bowls around the world.

Jim and Karen Doyle have been attending the Empty Bowl fundraiser for years and have amassed a proud collection of the handcrafted bowls from the event.

“We praise all the local potters that offer to make bowls, free of charge, and give them to the Open Door for this project,” Karen Doyle said.

All proceeds from the dinner will go towards the effort to end hunger.



art woodwoodwoodThe exhibit “Torqued & Twisted: Bentwood Today” will be running through March 22 at Western Carolina University’s Fine Art Museum.


art littlebigtownCountry group Little Big Town will perform at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 2, at Harrah’s Cherokee Event Center.


art painterMultimedia artist and teacher Mark Menendez will demonstrate oil portrait painting techniques for the Art League of the Smokies at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday, March 5, at Swain County Center for the Arts in Bryson City.


out ltlt watershedThe Land Trust for the Little Tennessee recently helped the town of Andrews protect and conserve its 930-acre watershed in Cherokee County.


out gsassociationThe Great Smoky Mountains Association is launching a membership drive in honor of its 60th anniversary this year.


Wade, dash, splash or take the full plunge into Lake Junaluska from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 23 to help raise money for Haywood Waterways Association.

The Polar Plunge will benefit the annual Kids on the Creek program, which exposes every sixth-grader in Haywood County to an aquatic biology field day in a local stream or river.

Participants will dash from the shore into Lake Junaluska as deep as they can muster. Costumes are encouraged. Prizes will be awarded to top fundraisers and best costumes.

The suggested donation for plunging is $20 or $5 for students, but plungers are encouraged to solicit donations from others to support their daring deed. Haywood Waterways already surpassed is initial goal of $4,000, raising $4,375 from 106 donors as of Monday.

A hot chili lunch will cost $5 with proceeds benefiting Lake Junaluska Assembly and their work to preserve the lake. or 828.476.4667 or


A boat ramp on Bear Creek Lake in the Tuckasegee area of Jackson County has been renovated by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. A new floating dock with handicapped-accessible handrails was also installed.

Bear Lake is small — but is the “biggest” in the chain of “small” lakes that dot the upper Tuckasegee River.

The new access includes a 14-foot wide, 90-foot long ramps. The bottom elevation of the ramps is 88 feet, so boaters can launch even when the lake levels are low in the winter. It is the only public access on Bear Lake.

“The lake is quite deep, and offers anglers bass, bluegill, trout and other species,” said Jeff Ferguson, an engineer with the Commission.

The Commission manages the lake as hatchery-supported trout waters, and stocks it with catchable-size rainbow trout, with a total of 6,000 planned for this spring and fall.

Duke Energy and the Wildlife Commission jointly own the access area, and the Commission maintains it. The renovation was funded using Sportfish Restoration Federal Grant Funds and vessel registration receipts. Duke Energy plans to pave the parking area, install a toilet and build an accessible fishing pier.


Cooks of all things chocolate will square off at the “Sixth Annual Chocolate Cook-Off” from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Feb. 23, at the Bryson City Presbyterian Church. Don’t miss the chance to weigh in on the “People’s Choice Award.”

The Friends of the Marianna Black Library will host this tasty event to help raise money for the library. Proceeds have gone to help pay for the Summer Reading Program, new equipment, better children’s programming and new books and DVDs.

Admission is $6 for adults, $5 for children ages 4 to 16 and Friend’s Members. or 828.488.0580 or 828.488.0480.


art whimzikWhimzik will be having a DVD release performance at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 27 at the Jackson County Public Library in Sylva.


art sargephotosSarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation has launched its annual pet photography contest.


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