5 Tips for Tackling Your Healthiest Year Yet
Beth Sanderson Hooper is a holistic wellness coach.She’s written for us before and we always love her advice. In today’s Rumble issue, she offers several great tips for starting the New Year off right.
- Walk more - Walking is one of the easiest and best exercises for everyone, regardless of age or experience. Adding more walks to your day will increase your total daily expenditure without adding any stress to your body. In fact, walking is a parasympathetic activity, meaning it will put your body back into its "rest and digest" state, the opposite of the stressed "fight or flight" state. Sustained walks are excellent for your cardiovascular health as well, especially if you're pushing yourself with hills or quicker paces. But even if you can't get in a longer walk, go for little 5 to 10 minute walks because it all adds up! Try going for a walk after meals as a way to increase insulin sensitivity.
- Lift weights - Unless we are actively working to build and maintain muscle mass, we are losing a percentage of our muscle as we age, beginning in our 30s! Muscle mass loss is one of the biggest contributors to the weight gain we may notice as we age. Muscle tissue is calorically expensive to build and maintain, so the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate. Muscle loss is also a key contributor to declining quality of life, but the key thing to understand is that it is preventable with the right training and nutrition plan. Our bodies are remarkably resilient. Aside from maintaining a higher metabolism, weight lifting is also a key player in combating and reversing bone loss. Adding muscle mass can also improve our bodies' insulin sensitivity. More muscle is better metabolic health, better bone health, and better quality of life.
- Set yourself up for the best sleep - Sleep impacts every single system in our bodies, and if we're not getting quality sleep, we are not going to be able to show up as our best selves. Develop a sleep routine that signals your body it's time to wind down. Some ideas to try might be reading a book, journaling, light yoga, meditation or breathing exercises. You might want to sip herbal tea or take a warm bath. Even lighting a particular candle or burning a certain incense can be a signal to your brain and body - just make sure to designate it as your "sleep scent." Try to power off devices at least 30 minutes before bed and use blue light blockers in evening hours. Make sure your room is dark and cool. You might also benefit from supplementing with magnesium glycinate and glycine as both are supportive of restorative sleep.
- Get morning sunlight - One of the most important signals to our bodies' circadian rhythms is sunlight, so making a point to get early morning sunlight will be highly beneficial to your energy levels and sleep routine. Whether it's getting outside on your deck first thing in the morning or taking a little walk around the neighborhood, try your best to expose yourself to light as early as you can!
- Develop your own daily morning ritual - I fought this one for a long time myself, but I can now attest to the power of a morning routine. For me it looks like some light stretching and spine mobility, lighting some sage and a candle, and journaling, but it can look however you want it to look! What's most important is that it feels supportive and personal to you. And it doesn't have to take 20 minutes - start with 5 minutes of something that's all about centering yourself. Starting the day focusing inward makes a huge difference in your ability to tune out all the noise the day will bring.
I am excited to announce a new group coaching opportunity starting in February 2024. It's a three-month program where participants will build habits and knowledge to truly transform. Month one will lay the foundation for your ultimate transformation. Throwing out limiting beliefs about your body and your worth and discarding the programming you’ve accepted as truth -- reacquainting yourself with the wisdom of your own body and learning to listen to your internal wisdom. During month two we'll explore the nutritional choices are best for your body -- nurturing and adding rather than restricting and taking away and paying attention to what combination of foods and macronutrient profiles make your body feel energized and healthy. And finally, during month three we add the final piece of the puzzle with a workout plan designed to progressively challenge your body to build muscle and improve your overall body composition. With an empowered mindset, healthy habits, and sound nutrition, you will be amazed at how quickly your body responds to proper training. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date and learn when and how to join! It's going to be a truly transformative expereince.
For more information from Beth and to learn about her services, visit her website HERE.