
Dear Santa

Dear Santa

What do you want for Christmas, next month, or even next year? It is all within reach. You might be thinking, then why does it feel so far away?

The art of manifestation considers two major thoughtforms:

One: what you are asking for will be for your highest good

And two: You have to put your words, thoughts, true feelings and actions behind those ideas.

If you feel good about both of the above, well you don’t need Mr. St Nick or a Christmas miracle…you are the alchemist of your life.

We must always consider if our wishes and dreams are for our highest and best, because sometimes those items on the list take us off our path. For example: if you are hoping to buy a home and cannot seem to find the right house for the right price, it might be because the universe needs you elsewhere. That mortgage might keep you tied to a place and a job that derails your mission for a few years.  Winning the lottery might seem like the best thing ever, but if you are here to experience the journey not just the prize, then having it all without the trials and tribulations of the process would not provide the growth your soul is seeking.

How do you know what’s for you? It’s that feeling inside that tingles. When you imagine that experience, there is something about it that feels a bit different than the other ideas you mull over. It’s inexplicable. It crosses your mind when you are doing the most ordinary tasks tempting you to go to a place in your imagination that is unfamiliar and a bit unsettling. You pause for a nano second thinking, what if…..

Number two is a bit more straight forward and easy to wrap your mind around, but a bit harder to follow through on. It requires that you pay attention and get real about your request. If you wish for a new job and leave it at that, then none of your energy is moving out into the world looking for the right fit. It is abdicating its power by doing zilch to move you into a new situation.

If on the other hand, you reflect on your current job and what attracted you to it in the first place, you start to see a plan. You begin to explore what works and look for more fulfilling work as you have now outgrown what the current situation has offered. Most people remain in their job for the stability believing they have no other options. They are using their energy to look at what is not working, keeping them tied to that very situation!

Appreciate what you are experiencing and recognize that you are indeed a powerful creator. You concocted the perfect situation to meet your needs at the time…all on your own. You have evidence that you can do it, so doing it again in a new situation is now plausible.

Instead of seeing how the current position is limiting, you choose to see the parts that you love! The universe responds by sending more of those moments your way. They will mix in a few that are subpar so you can experience the contrast and choose to move with the energy that makes you feel good! Now that job that has seemed just beyond your reach is suddenly within your purview and what is even more amazing is that it is something that you never thought you want would do. A complete surprise! Doesn’t that feel like being a kid on Christmas morning?!

How did this happen, you ask yourself? Well, you chose to speak positively about your life. You looked for parts that brought you joy. You milked the moments that made you feel free! You mustered the courage to trust your intuition. And when you were faced with challenges, you did not fall back into old habits. You searched for ways to deal with those moments while holding your power believing that somehow that situation was serving you. And you never stopped knowing you were worth it.

Go ahead, make those lists! Put any and everything on them! Things that feel hollow or empty should be crossed off, as they will waste a few years of your life. But those that remain…well they are your opportunities! Each day listen to your yourself when you speak, better yet, don’t speak! Listen to others and notice your thoughts. Work to stay out of judgment and note how much lighter you feel. Notice what shows up for you as you hold the belief that you are source energy, and you can have it all. Be sure to do the things that support your new direction rather than sabotage it. And if you should encounter hard moments that cause you to second yourself remember this sage advice this holiday season:

In a world full of Grinches… be a Cindy Lou Who!

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