Sponsored: Leah’s List of Book Recommendations

One of my “Pandemic Positives” has been reading more non-fiction books. Pre-Pandemic I’d describe my reading habits as “escapism”; I’d look for fiction, biographies and mysteries to distract me from a busy schedule of travel, speaking and writing.
Since the start of the Pandemic I’ve gravitated to trying to learn more about different topics: food, hunger, health, thinking, behavior ... Here are some recommendation for anyone who might be interested in learning a little more about food and nutrition. (for the full list of my “top 12” see my medium.com post: Books of 2020-2021. One of my “Pandemic Positives” has been… | by Leah McGrath | Dec, 2021 | Medium)
1. Calories and Corsets: A history of dieting over 2,000 years Louise Foxcroft — “New diets come and go but they’re always rehashed from the past…”
2. The American Plate: A Culinary History in 100 Bites Libby H. O’Connell — “Our food decisions impact not only our own lives, but the lives of people everywhere and for generations to come.”
3. Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal Mary Roach — “Those who know the human gut intimately see beauty, not only in its sophistication but in its inner landscapes and architecture.”
4. Hunger: An Unnatural History Sharman Apt Russell — “Appetite is desire, born of biology, molded by experience and culture.”
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5. Ending Hunger: The Quest to Feed the World Without Destroying It Anthony Warner — “…it would be a brutally dystopian future if every time we gathered to eat, we had to consult some sort of algorithm to assess the impact of our diet upon the planet.”
6. Consider the Fork: A History of How We Cook and Eat Bee Wilson- “Good cooking is a precise chemical undertaking. The difference between a truly great dinner and an indifferent one may be 30 seconds and ¼ of a teaspoon of salt.”
7. Food Isn’t Medicine: Challenge Nutrib*llocks and Escape the Diet Trap Dr. Joshua Wolrich — “The misconception that food is medicine makes it easier to believe that alot of the nutribollocks could be true…”
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian