Arts + Entertainment
A history of U.S. wars is worth a read
“Stand your ground! Don’t fire unless fired upon! But if they want to have a war, let it begin here.”
— Captain Parker, Lexington Green, 1775
‘Oscar Wilde and the Art of Lying’
Dan Desjardins’ presentation of his book “Oscar Wilde and the Art of Lying” will take place at 3 p.m. Saturday, March 2, at City Lights Bookstore in Sylva.
Taking it to the streets: Asheville mural artist Dustin Spagnola
“After pop art, graffiti is probably the biggest art movement in recent history to have such an impact on culture.”
Parallel lives of two men makes great history
That many Americans today suffer a disconnect from their past is beyond argument. Some of us have seen those man-in-the-street encounters where a reporter will ask questions of pedestrians — “What event do we celebrate on the Fourth of July?” or “Name the countries America was fighting during the Second World War” — only to be met with embarrassed shrugs or a blank stare.
WCU undergraduate exhibition, reception
The 56th annual Juried Undergraduate Exhibition will run through March 22 at the Fine Art Museum in the Bardo Arts Center at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee.
Labor of lust: A talk with Grammy winner, banjo phenom Kyle Tuttle
When it comes to bluegrass banjo, you’d be hard-pressed to find as vivacious and voracious a picker-n-grinner than Kyle Tuttle.
Creating health for the earth and humanity
Recently, I was told about a book titled “The Design Pathway For Regenerating Earth” (Earth Regenerators Press, Barachara, Columbia, 2021, 219 pages) by author Joe Brewer.
Letters From the Smokies
Great Smoky Mountains National Park librarian/archivist Michael Aday will present his book, a collection of correspondences, “Letters From the Smokies” at 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17, at City Lights Bookstore in Sylva.
Different ways to look at love
I had a book in mind to review for Valentine’s Day, but was hesitant to reveal the choice to my mentor and fellow reviewer Jeff Minick. Would it fit his idea of what a Valentine’s Day book should be?