‘Thunder in the Smokies’
The annual “Thunder in the Smokies” spring rally will be held June 28-30 at the Maggie Valley Fairgrounds.
Arch unveiled in Waynesville
June 1, 2024, was a historic day for a historic town, as members of Waynesville’s government and the Downtown Waynesville Association were present to unveil a new decorative arch over South Main Street, replacing one torn down more than 50 years ago.
Haywood Rec offers hiking outings
Haywood County Recreation is hosting a series of hikes throughout June. All hikes are subject to cancelation due to harsh weather.
Word From the Smokies: Fireflies are surprisingly diverse
For many people who grew up in the eastern United States, the soft yellow blink of fireflies drifting over dusky fields and lawns is synonymous with summer, a nostalgic symbol of warmth and childhood. But few would guess that the common eastern firefly (Photinus pyralis) is one of more than two thousand firefly species worldwide.
‘Thunder in the Smokies’
The 21st annual “Thunder in the Smokies” spring rally will be held May 3-5 at the Maggie Valley Fairgrounds.
Word from the Smokies: April 30 Deadline to Apply for Tremont Writers Conference
Frank X Walker and David Brill share a fascination with the Great Smoky Mountains. One has been cultivating his passion for four decades; the other just fell in love with the Smokies last year.
An artist's legacy: New database contributes to study of George Masa's photography
Angelyn Whitmeyer might be the last person you would expect to contribute to ongoing research surrounding a Japanese photographer who found inspiration in the Great Smoky Mountains.
Haywood County native behind ‘#trashtag’ sensation
A trending hashtag … err … #trashtag has been gaining worldwide attention for encouraging people to photograph pictures of the trash they pick up, so it should be no surprise that the person who came up with the idea is from rural Haywood County in rugged, scenic Western North Carolina.