Giving the present to the future

No book review today. Instead, some words about the importance of words — yours.

If you’re reading these words and live in Western North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee, or parts of Georgia and South Carolina, then you survived the Great Flood of 2024.  

Teaching teens in a tumultuous world

Recently I had the privilege of sitting and talking with a group of adolescents who weren’t my own children or my friends’ children. These were teens who I knew well enough to where they felt comfortable with me, but not so well that I was privy to their ongoing emotional patterns or personal stressors.

The Olympics: a beacon of hope in challenging times

Just when global news hit a fever pitch and there was little to hang onto in the way of goodness and humanity, the 2024 Paris Olympics began, which has offered many of us a much-needed reprieve and countless reminders of hope and triumph.

Paddling ahead: Nantahala Outdoor Center enters new chapter

It’s not lost on Colin McBeath how unique and cherished the Nantahala Outdoor Center (NOC) is to locals and visitors alike. 

Looking forward to SMN in 2049

This week SMN is celebrating its 25th anniversary as a business. As we mark the milestone, this industry is changing so fast it’s dizzying.

Afterlife: Tentative mill deal provides a peek at what could be next

On May 24, 2023, Canton Mayor Pro Tem Gail Mull sat on a bench in Sorrels Street Park, waiting to hear the shrill shriek of the steam whistle at Pactiv Evergreen’s century-old paper mill at the heart of town blow for the last time. 

One year later, Canton displays remarkable progress

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep. 

— Robert Frost, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” 

Folkmoot’s 40th is a time to re-assess its future

Folkmoot at 40 is much different than the younger version of itself . But it’s still here, and for that Western North Carolina should be proud. This is a festival that celebrates friendship, understanding and peace, all valuable commodities in a time when rancor and discord are way too common. 

The roots of Folkmoot USA — which was first held in 1984 — go back to when Europe was divided by the Iron Curtain, when the culture of many Eastern European countries was being strangled by autocrats who were puppets of the Soviet politburo.

In those heady days of the 1980s when a group from Poland or Romania would travel to Waynesville and dance and sing about their unique customs and history, in some ways it was a slap in the face to dictators who feared these young entertainers would be seduced by the supposed opulence and the singular freedoms enjoyed by those in the U.S. Even after the fall of the Soviet Union, when parts of Europe were adjusting to their new political realities, the allure of traveling to the U.S. for many of these dancers and musicians was apparent.

The interactions between the groups are what always inspired many of us who helped keep the festival going. When you witness first-hand how politics that divide a country’s leaders dissolve quickly when, for instance, Russian and French dancers use the same rehearsal space and begin dancing together, or when an Israeli group and Turkish Muslims laugh and cut up together during meals, becoming fast friends in a mere two weeks. There was magic in that.

And the interactions of young people from Western North Carolina with so many of the entertainers was another part of the festival that made it so grand. Many people now approaching middle age still maintain lifelong friendships with people from other countries, thanks to this festival.

I’ve been a Folkmoot fan since I moved here in 1992. I got involved soon after, was on the board of directors for many years and now serve in that capacity once again. It’s been great fun, and my family and many friends have lots of great memories tied to this festival. Folkmoot promotes humanity, supports building bridges rather than fences. It’s motto, “many cultures, one community,” could be a standard for this country. What’s not to like about that?

Times have changed. The festival where a dozen groups of 20 to 30 dancers and musicians from all over the world would stay in Waynesville and travel throughout the region for two weeks will never happen again. It’s become way too expensive, travel arrangements nearly impossible to coordinate, visas difficult to obtain for many, potential financial liabilities always lurking. Tickets are a tough sell as there are so many entertainment options in this culturally-rich region.

And then there was the pandemic, which nearly shuttered the festival. But Folkmoot hung on. There’s still an International Day on July 29 and a Summer Soiree fund-raiser  on July 20. These are the two signature events for this year. And there are monthly concerts and shows in the Queen Auditorium. The Folkmoot Friendship Center’s classrooms are brimming with artists and artisans who are making use of the space to create some dynamic work. I would invite anyone who hasn’t visited the center in a while to take a tour.

Folkmoot has turned a corner. I like to tell people that it’s crawling, now, re-learning how to remain relevant. It’s re-learning how to stay financially afloat. It’s re-defining itself as a hub for the arts. And it’s hosting some great music and other events. One day in the future, it may soar again as one of this region’s premier festivals. If it’s going to get there, it needs the community’s support. Only time will tell.

(Scott McLeod can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..)

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