Waynesville candidates weigh in on array of budget questions

haywoodWhat to spend money on and what to pass up? The Waynesville town board faces this question month in and month out. Seemingly small budget decisions can have some of the biggest impacts on residents’ daily lives.

Municipal Elections 2015

coverSmall towns all over the region are in the midst of municipal elections and a majority of them are contested races. New candidates and incumbents have plenty of issues to discuss as they try to manage shrinking budgets, improve aging infrastructure and position themselves for positive future growth. As early voting starts Thursday, Oct. 22, residents are urged to inform themselves about the issues and vote for the candidates they think will do what is in the best interest of the taxpayers.

Moving a small town forward: Clyde board candidates debate the issues

haywoodClyde may be a tiny little two-stoplight town, but at a recent candidate forum, the panel of contenders for seats in the upcoming town board elections was full of ideas on how to grow the town while maintaining its close-knit heritage.

Canton incumbents want continued progress: Challengers say more can be done

fr cantonThe town of Canton elected a whole new board two years ago when all four aldermen decided not to run for another term.

Who loves Waynesville most? Town board candidates pledge undying devotion to Waynesville

fr forumCandidates running for the Waynesville town board can’t seem to talk about their campaign platforms without first saying how much they love Waynesville, and, for good measure, repeating it often. Sometimes very often.

Waynesville’s mayor race is talk of the town

fr mayorraceWaynesville Mayor Gavin Brown has the public endorsement of six out of the seven alderman candidates running for the town board this fall.

Friendly but formidable forum puts Waynesville town candidates on record

fr forumCandidates for the Waynesville town board faced off in a forum last week before a packed crowd in the Haywood County historic courtroom.

Rhonda Cole Schandevel to run for NC House

haywoodHaywood County School Board member Rhonda Cole Schandevel, 51, of Canton announced her 2016 candidacy for the North Carolina House of Representatives.

Oversized political signs cause a stir in Waynesville

fr curemayorAn explosion of campaign signs so large they could pass for miniature billboards cropped up seemingly overnight in Waynesville last week, creating a tizzy over what’s legal and what’s tasteful.

Swain elections board hires lawyer for county dispute

swainSwain County Board of Elections has retained an attorney to provide guidance on an ongoing dispute between the board and the county regarding retirement benefits for Elections Director Joan Weeks.

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