Different ways to look at love
I had a book in mind to review for Valentine’s Day, but was hesitant to reveal the choice to my mentor and fellow reviewer Jeff Minick. Would it fit his idea of what a Valentine’s Day book should be?
By Sabrina Matheny • Rumble Contributor | Today’s article is brought to by the letter “V” and the number 14….
I want to drink your blood! Say this again with a Bela Lugosi accent from the movie Draculaand you can really feel the vampire vibration. We all have experience with this guy or gal in our life. We call her the energy vampire because she sucks the life right out of us. We are literally exhausted after an exchange with her. You might be nodding your head and wondering what is this all about?
The Bloody History of Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day, like so many of the seemingly trivial holidays that dot our calendars, originated thousands of years ago as a Pagan celebration. Over the centuries Lupercalia, a Roman holiday, morphed into the feast day of Saint Valentine and eventually into today’s Hallmark version - Valentine’s Day.