Blow the tannery whistle: Margaret Siler and the Sand Town Cherokees

By 1818, despite a growing number of settlers in the region west of the Balsams and along the Little Tennessee River, much of the land continued to be identified as “Cherokee land.”  

Blow the tannery whistle: Wid Medford, bear hunter

Back in the late 1880s, two remarkable men, Wilbur Zeigler and Ben Grosscup, visited Western North Carolina for the express purpose of developing a comprehensive profile of the region’s resources. 

Blow the tannery whistle: Foxfire Christmas: traditions and superstitions

Back in the 1980s, when I was telling stories in the Cope Crest Conference Center in Tiger, Georgia, I heard about Eliott Wigginton, who was teaching English in the Rayburn County school system.

Blow the tannery whistle: A tale of two Abrahams

I remember a day in March when I was in the seventh grade. We were on the second floor of the old Sylva Elementary building, and we had a kind of ritual that involved the pencil sharpener. 

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