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Upcoming readings at City Lights

Upcoming readings at City Lights

The following literary events will take place at City Lights Bookstore in Sylva. 

Brenda Larson will host a meet-and-greet and signing for her debut novel, Beach Blast, at 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8. The thriller follows Carol Jackson, whose anniversary trip takes a dark turn when a murdered man washes up at her feet — along with the man who once broke her heart, now assigned to protect her.

Britt Kaufmann and Claudine Moreau will read at 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8. Kaufmann’s poetry collection, Midlife Calculus, explores learning, change, and education post-pandemic. Moreau’s Demise of Pangaea examines human connections and upheaval through rhythmic, lyrical verse.

All readings are free and open to the public. For more information, click on citylightsnc.com or call 828.586.9499.

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