The Tarot and The Lunar Eclipse

On Saturday ,Oct. 28, 2023, at 4:15 p.m. ET the lunar eclipse in Taurus will take her long awaited curtain call, marking the final eclipse of the year-parade.
A lunar eclipse is all about the shadow work. This is the part of us that we consider off limits to others, for if they knew how we truly felt about ourselves they might stand in judgement of us.
Lunar eclipses highlight the emotional realm. They want us to discover that we are the curators of our own suffering, and we can use this energy to wrap up the volumes of our misery, not simply a chapter. Taurus being an earth sign gives us insight as to how we connect to our material wealth, sensual pleasure and our self-worth as it relates to our personal power. We have been working on balancing our spiritual and material life for the last two years, and now the proverbial fat lady sings letting us know exactly how we understand our freedom in a material world.
So how do we navigate this unsettling time? One way is to gain a little insight from our subconscious by using the tarot. Tarot cards are the perfect messengers for the subconscious because they rely on the symbolic images to strike a chord in the physical body. When you throw a spread and reveal the layout, your body automatically reacts. Most likely you are simultaneously receiving a message when you turn over a card. Your eyes see the image, your mind fills in the gaps and your body lets you know if you have hit the mark. The message may differ slightly with the same card, but your spirit has offered you that variance, because it is aware of the meaning you need in a particular reading in order to guide you forward.
Let’s talk about one spread that can get you through the next few weeks as the energy around you soars and plummets in a matter of seconds.
1: Mix your deck and draw four cards: the first card you will place in the center of your layout as it represents the current situation you are navigating.
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2: The next card is placed to left of the first card as this position denotes the past circumstance that led to your current situation.
3: The third card is place to the right of the present position showing you how this circumstance will unfold if you continue to direct your energy in the same way.
4: Now all that is left is card number four. It is placed across the first card. It informs you as to how you will bridge the past with the future by showing you what energy is helping you forward or holding you back. This becomes a powerful collaborator as it connects your thoughts and actions from your past to what is waiting for you in the near future.
Use this reading to create a story around the images reading them from left to right. As you practice this spread you will increase your connection to your intuition. The conflict between the protagonist and antagonistic forces in your life will become less mysterious as you locate your power in your story (card number four) giving you the opportunity to make a new and better choice.
What if you do not like where you are headed? Draw another card and ask what is the best energy to bring to your current situation in order to align with a better outcome.
An eclipse in Taurus invites you to:
Find ways to improve your overall health by placing your focus on your health and well-being.
Readjust your mindset around abundance. Are you aligning your thoughts and actions based on lack or prosperity?
Where do you resist life? What stands in the way of your letting your faith be your surface tension instead of your fear?
Think about adding a little mental and emotional exploration to your day as you go into this lunar eclipse. Your spirit wants to support you, but she speaks in symbols and if you slow down and stay present you can interpret her cues. The tarot is an effective tool in your toolkit. Use her wisely and trust her guidance. With this eclipse, she guides you to remain true to your path by releasing the fears that you have held for the last two years and embrace the power and the depth of your inner experiences.
Sabrina Matheny is an intuitive designer, life coach and spiritual medium. Her passions include running, speaking french and traveling abroad. When sabrina is not writing she is watching mysteries and spending time with her soulmate. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..