Easter Celebrations in WNC

Easter Celebrations in WNC
- The “Factory Easter Egg Hunt” will be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 15-16 at The Factory in Franklin. Over 5,000 eggs and prizes. For more information on admission and activities, go to https://franklinfun.com
- The “Eggstravaganza” will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 16, at Darnell Farms in Bryson City. Easter-themed activities, vendors, fresh produce, food, an egg hunt, and a search for the Easter Bunny. https://darnellfarms.com
- The “Bunny Hopper Express Train Event” will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 16, at the Great Smoky Mountains Railroad depot in Bryson City. Boxed lunches available. For more information and/or to purchase tickets, click on https://www.gsmr.com or call 800.872.4681.
- The famous “Easter Hat Parade” will return to the streets at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 16, in downtown Dillsboro. Registration for the parade starts at 11 a.m. The prizes for the hat contest are simple and mostly handmade. The categories are ever-changing, but include the largest, smallest, most outrageous, best use of fresh flowers, hat that traveled the farthest, youngest and, of course, best dog.For more information, call 828.586.2155 or click on https://www.mountainlovers.com
- An Easter Brunch Buffet will be served at historic Lambuth Inn from 7:30 to 10 a.m. Sunday, April 17. The buffet costs $32 per adult and $16 per child age 4 to 12, and is free for children age 3 and younger, plus tax and 18 percent gratuity. To request reservations, visit lakejunaluska.com/easterbuffetor call 800-222-4930.
- During Easter weekend, Lake Junaluska is offering an outdoor sunrise service at the amphitheater below the Lake Junaluska Cross, a Friends of the Lake 5K Road Race & Walk and a 30 percent off lodging special at The Terrace Hotel and Lambuth Inn. For more information, visit lakejunaluska.com/easter.
- Crestview Baptist Church in Canton will hold an Easter Drama Drive Thru “He is Alive” from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, April 9 and 10. It will also hold an Easter Sunday service at 7 a.m. and 10:45a.m. Sunday April 10. Contact the church office at 828.648.1110.