Thank God for Trump, Vance
To the Editor:
I voted for Donald Trump. I voted for J.D. Vance. I am deeply grateful for them, the wise decisions they are making and the excellent staff they have assembled. Thank God that we dodged a bullet and their outrageous, ridiculous opponents were not elected!
Susan Ivey
Grab the lifejackets and the suntan oil
To the Editor:
This just in! President Trump is recommending everyone in WNC be moved out to somewhere else (maybe Gaza?) until the white horses can come to our rescue and fix this place.
Trump and the latest climate change red flag
Like a three-pack-a-day smoker who blames their chronic cough on allergies, or a recent flu shot — everything but their addiction — President-elect Donald Trump continues to embrace an absurd and criminally irresponsible brand of denialism on the subject of climate change.
Trump quote taken out of context
To the Editor:
On the anniversary of 9/11 you posted an opinion piece titled "GOP becoming a fascist party." Do you ever check the context of quotes used in the opinion pieces you publish or are you so eager to publish anti GOP and Trump comments that facts don't matter? Or is it just a simple matter of laziness?
Election fraud claims are just that — a fraud
The looming 1980 presidential election was all over the news, the unpopular incumbent Jimmy Carter facing the charismatic former actor and California Gov. Ronald Reagan. A college junior in Boone walked into the Watauga County Board of Elections sometime in September and registered to vote in his first presidential election.
DEI creates its own controversies
To the Editor:
Kudos to the Haywood County Tourism Development Authority (TDA) for rescinding the grant over the proposed passport program. The program put forth by the entity called IDEA is another example of a certain minority desiring special recognition above others and causing unnecessary controversy.
How about some respect for all athletes
Editor’s note: Bob Clark coached the Tuscola boys and girls discus and shotput athletes for the past three seasons. Prior to that he coached the boys and girls throwers for four seasons at Waynesville Middle School. Six of those seven years he was a volunteer.
This spring Tuscola High School’s principal, accompanied by the athletic director (AD), threw $30,000 of taxpayer money away to change the color suggested for the new Tuscola track.
The problem of childhood hunger can be fixed
A recent town hall in Cullowhee laid out a heartbreaking problem in our public schools, as well as a sensible solution. The problem is hunger. The solution is to provide free meals to all students in our public schools. But, how do we get there?
Biden still the best candidate
To the Editor:
Donald Trump’s association with and love of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) has taught him and his cohorts how to prepare mentally for a fight.
Moderates should talk to each other
To the Editor:
There have been several interesting letters to the editor in The Sylva Herald and the Smoky Mountain News over the past few weeks. I agreed with some of their lines of thoughts and ideas; with others I did not agree. But they were all trying to express their ideas, and I will give them that.