Tar Heel state had an outsized impact in Republican trifecta

Before he was sworn in on Jan. 20, Donald Trump had a lot to say about the agenda he plans to pursue during his final term as president.

Trump victory overshadows Stein win and gains by NC Dems

While it certainly appears that a “red wave” washed over the United States on Nov. 5, that’s not exactly the case in North Carolina, where Democrats held onto critical Council of State offices and made solid gains where it really counts — in the General Assembly. 

Cooper makes appointment to fill WNC judicial vacancy

Gov. Roy Cooper has appointed a new Superior Court judge in Western North Carolina. 

Filling the vacancy: Unique process plays out to replace retiring Superior Court judge

When Superior Court Judge William Coward announced his retirement late last year, it caught many in the Western North Carolina legal community off guard and set in motion a process with little precedent.

Woodhouse returns as NC-11 GOP chair

Henderson County resident Michele Woodhouse has been reelected as chair of the North Carolina Republican Party’s 11th Congressional District after stepping down from the post late in 2021.

The making of a Muckraker: David Wheeler turns his attention back to North Carolina with council of state run

As the man behind the controversial North Carolina-based American Muckrakers PAC, David Wheeler’s had an outsized impact on at least one recent congressional campaign, but in 2024, he’s looking to have that same impact on a race of his own.

Democrats, Republicans target vulnerable Cawthorn in NC-11

Western North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District has garnered national attention for electing one controversial Trump-affiliated Republican congressman followed by another controversial Trump-affiliated Republican congressman who now finds himself in the fight of his political life against fellow Republicans.

Republicans off to the races in NC-14

The first Republican forum in the NC-14 congressional race may have been light on specific policy proposals, but the eight declared candidates in the race to replace Rep. Madison Cawthorn wasted no time introducing themselves to the GOP faithful in advance of the all-important May 17 Primary Election.

Republican Sen. Chuck Edwards joins race for NC-14

After much speculation, three-term Henderson County incumbent Sen. Chuck Edwards made his 14th Congressional District candidacy official with an announcement at the old Hendersonville courthouse on Nov. 30.

Woodhouse makes her NC-14 run official

Almost immediately after Rep. Madison Cawthorn announced on Nov. 11 that he’d seek an open seat in the new 13th Congressional District, speculation started to swirl around the intentions of NCGOP 14th District Chair Michele Woodhouse. 

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