Flood money decisions important for taxpayers
The media coverage the last three weeks about goings-on inside the Haywood County School System involve very complicated spending matters. The controversy about flood rebuilding decisions, FEMA reimbursements and accusations about motives, however, come down to a very important matter for parents and taxpayers in Haywood County — are the school board and the administration making wise spending decisions?
Some question attempt to help only one business
Some Dillsboro merchants have questioned why town leaders based their entire application for flood revitalization money from the state on aiding just one business owner.
Dillsboro misses out on lion’s share of flood relief
It appears Dillsboro is getting the short end of the stick in state grant money intended to revitalize business districts that flooded during the hurricanes of 2004 that swept across Western North Carolina.
Macon waiting on Peeks Creek decision
By Sarah Kucharski • Staff Writer
Streambank restoration along Peeks Creek in Macon County, where a massive landslide killed six residents following back-to-back hurricanes in September 2004, is on hold as county officials wait to hear if they will receive funds to do the project after missing initial application deadlines.