Construction starting on new U.S. 23/74 turn lane

A contractor for the N.C. Department of Transportation has begun a safety project on U.S. 23/74 between Hyatt Creek Road and the Haywood County rest area.
CRW Land Services LLC, of Old Fort, is permitted to conduct daily lane closures of the inside lane in both directions between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
This access management safety project will revise the current traffic patterns by establishing a new left turn lane for westbound traffic. The project will also remove an existing U-turn lane and associated bulb-out for eastbound traffic. A new concrete median island will be installed to delineate the new turn lane and provide separation from opposing directions. It will be finished with long-life pavement markings and new signs.
The $216,000 project has been developed in association with NCDOT Traffic Safety staff to alleviate congestion while re-establishing the mobility and reliability of the corridor. It is scheduled for completion fall 2024.