Understanding will come in time

To the Editor:
I appreciate the clear, factual reporting done by Cory Vaillancourt uncovering the truth regarding the Waynesville Recreation Center incidents.
He also rightly, in my opinion, alluded to the hypocrisy of using Christianity as a cover for out of place over-reaction (including online threats) aimed at a person or persons who did absolutely nothing to hurt anyone.
Some peoples’ reactions to the incidents reminded me of the early days of integration when this same rationale of “protecting our daughters” was used to oppose desegregation. You would hear things like “Ain’t no n-word gonna sit by my daughter in school. Just let’em try!” Sound familiar? Just take out the “n-word” and replace it with “transgender.” Take out “school” and insert “rec center.”
It’s really all about fearing what you don’t know or understand. And as Cory pointed out, it’s all about judgement.
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So, we need to continue to get the facts as clearly as Cory presented them. As with everything in life, understanding will come in time.
Faye Kennedy