GOP actions weaken republic
To the Editor:
Republicans keep claiming that Democrats are destroying the country. They use emotionally laden words like “socialism” and “communism” in ways that are ridiculous and silly.
In reality, Republicans are the ones who are trying to destroy our democratic republic with voter suppression and other ways to steal elections. More than 20 Republican-led states have passed voter suppression laws designed to make it more difficult for folks who are not affluent white folks to vote. In some states, they have passed laws allowing Republican legislators to throw out election results if they don’t like the outcome.
Republicans are not interested in governing as demonstrated under four years of Trump. Try to find any legislation that was for the benefit of the general public, such as infrastructure, education, or renewable energy. Their only interest appears to be grabbing and keeping power at all cost.
Not only are Republicans obsessed with power, but they also have no use for actual facts and science. Instead of evaluating what works in curbing the COVID pandemic, they promoted false information and hairbrained cures that had no basis in facts or reality. From drinking bleach to taking horse de-wormer, they came up with one fanciful suggestion after another instead of promoting those actions that have been proven to actually work, like wearing masks and getting vaccinated.
They seemed content with exposing adults and kids to COVID with the risks of hospitalization and even death. Even if one “recovers” from the acute effects of COVID, the “long haul” cases have mental and medical problems that persist for months if not years or for their lifetime.
When they don’t get their way, Republicans around the country have resorted to violence and intimidation. They have harassed school officials, school board members, and even assaulted people in public places trying to get people to wear masks.
I am reminded of a line in a book by Isaac Asimov, “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”
Norman Hoffman