The Swag annexed into Maggie Valley

At a Maggie Valley Board of Aldermen meeting Tuesday, Jan. 12, The Swag was voluntarily annexed into Maggie Valley.
The Swag is an internationally recognized resort located at 2300 Swag Road, off of Hemphill Road in the Jonathan Creek Community. The Swag was founded in 1982 by Deener Matthews, who managed the property until 2018 when it was purchased by David and Anne Collquitt.
The Swag had previously requested to be voluntarily annexed by the Town of Maggie Valley. Only the developed portion of the Swag property, comprising 12.6 acres, will be annexed. In total, The Swag property covers over 200 acres.
“The annexation is driven by The Swag’s desire to have full municipal ABC permits, to use for their guests in their restaurants and other offerings there,” said Town Manager Nathan Clark. “The Town has no plans either implicit or explicit to provide or extend sewer service to this property nor does Maggie Valley Sanitary District have any plans to provide or extend water service to this property. Those were all signed in the annexation agreement by the property owners.”
The relationship will be very similar to the relationship with other satellite annexations the Town has executed with Cataloochee Ski Area and Cataloochee Ranch. All three properties are located well outside of Town limits. Being a part of the town allows the properties the ability to obtain alcohol as well as have police protection from the Maggie Valley Police Department.
Maggie Valley will not receive occupancy tax from The Swag because it will remain in the 28785 zip code, not 28751. That money will continue going to the TDA. However Maggie Valley will receive the property tax from the newly annexed property.
“It was important to Maggie Valley and to The Swag, not just to become part of the community legally, but to engage the community. After tonight The Swag is a member of the Maggie Valley Community,” said Zeb Smathers, attorney for The Swag throughout annexation. “I think they will be good partners and be good supporters of everything Maggie is trying to do in their other properties. I take that as very sincere on their part.”
The Swag will continue to be responsible for its own road maintenance, for the section that continues past the end of Hemphill Road, which is a state maintained road.