Cullowhee Valley moves to remote-only instruction

Classes at Cullowhee Valley School will transition to remote-only instruction tomorrow due to a spike in COVID-19 cases among staff members.
Remote-only instruction will continue at least through Friday, Jan. 22, when district and school administrators will convene to assess the situation and determine if it is prudent to reopen the school.
“We make decisions based on data,” said Interim Superintendent Dr. Tony Tipton. “I am in contact with the health department, area health providers, and our partners at WCU and SCC at least weekly. That information is shared with the school board, and we move according to the data in the best interest of our students and staff.”
All individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 or had close contact with someone who tested positive are in quarantine and following guidance from health care professionals.
The district’s eight other schools will continue on their current schedule. However, students who had close contact with individuals at Cullowhee Valley who tested positive have been notified and will quarantine and shift to remote instruction for at least seven days.
Free meals will be available in front of the school from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for anyone 18 or under while classes remain remote-only. No sign-up is necessary.
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