This must be the place: 'Your flag decal won’t get you into heaven anymore’
It was one of those moments that I don’t think I’ll ever forget.
A moment just to myself, where when the moment was unfolding in real time, you feel an immediate and deep gratitude for, this intrinsic connection to the universe.
Should I stay or should I go?: Leaked email urges covert FRL dissolution
Just months after Jackson, Macon and Swain counties reached an agreement to approve a new version of the Fontana Regional Library interlocal agreement following more than two years of controversy, an email originating from the account of a Macon County Library Board member plots a path for dissolution.
eCourts launches in Western North Carolina
Members of the public interested in Western North Carolina court cases now have better access than ever to criminal and civil files.
eCourts coming to Western North Carolina: Officials promise greater public access to judicial system
The public in Western North Carolina is about to have more access to the courts than ever before, assuming all goes to plan.
Spared from slaughter, horse celebrates 50th birthday
Jennie Ratcliff was only 21 years old when she met Jackson, a 16-hand-tall horse with a chestnut coat that matched her own auburn locks. Not much is known about Jackson’s life before he was purchased at auction by a horse trader to prevent him from being slaughtered.
Drought arrives in the mountains
Drought has re-entered the western region, with the most recent drought conditions map labeling Transylvania and Henderson counties as experiencing moderate drought.
WNC courts receive much-needed help
Western North Carolina courts are about to get a leg up, but it isn’t all that everyone hoped for.
Jackson tables FRL governance change
With the Fontana Regional Library agreement up for its 10-year review, Jackson, Macon and Swain county commissions are taking a look at the document.
What would a library be without ‘outside influences’?
At the June 27 meeting of the Macon County Board of Commissioners, Chairman Bill Dyar was asked by Leah Gaston and the other two new board members for the opportunity to fully introduce themselves. Chairman Dyar agreed.
Municipal election filing period ends Friday
The candidate filing period for November’s municipal elections that opened on July 7 ends this coming Friday, July 21, at noon, and although things are starting to solidify in some races, there have been and may continue to be some surprises.