Haywood County Cares — Tammy Ensley

This year, Tammy Ensley celebrated 15 years as coach of Pisgah’s varsity cheerleading team and her first year coaching the girls’ track team.
She is also the Online Facilitator, Yearbook Advisor, and helps with Student Council, Prom, and graduation plans.
End-of-year activities are some of the most fun things they do all year, but this year all that momentum came to a sudden halt with the COVID-19 stay home orders, said Ensley.
“Coming to school day after day with no students is very sad. Many days I feel like I am on an emotional roller coaster. As a parent of a Pisgah High Senior I know first-hand all the things she is missing out on," she said.
In her role as Online Facilitator, she said she is aware of the struggles many of the students have with completing work at home without face-to-face interaction with their teachers. She also sees the deep sadness many teachers have in not getting to share in all the end of year memories.
“I feel very fortunate during this uncontrollable situation to work with wonderful coworkers,” she said.
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One of the most meaningful experiences she has had is assisting in delivering meals to students.
“The day we delivered graduation supplies to seniors was the best. It was great to see each of their faces and know that they were ok. The students were very thankful and gracious,” she said.
Ensley said that working at Pisgah High is special, where faculty and staff are like family.
“I love Pisgah High and every day is a great day to be a Black Bear!”