Don’t traffic in fake news
To the Editor:
In reference to the letter from Lowell Crisp titled, “The whole truth about Red Hen incident,” I must question his sources. He states:
The real truth is that Secretary (Sarah) Sanders’ family went across the street to another restaurant after the Red Hen owner refused service. Well guess what happened?
According newspaper accounts, the Red Hen owner followed the Sanders family and organized a protest. The protestors were yelling and screaming at them outside the other restaurant.”
Mr. Crisp then switches topics to say the editor should have said “at least one little ole piece of information about President Trump that was positive.”
Beyond the fact that the “little ole” comment was irrelevant to the subject of the letter, I would offer the following comment.
The letter writer references newspaper accounts. What accounts? Which publications? Who said it?
He did not because an account of the owner crossing the street did not happen. It was not reported in accounts on the day of and day after the incident because it did not happen. It was suggest by Mike Huckabee on Fox News but not substantiated. Also, Huckabee was talking about an incident that occurred involving his daughter.
All Americans should recognize and not traffic in fake news.
Richard Gould