
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A growers’ fair will be held April 16 in Dillsboro to benefit Full Spectrum Farms, a nonprofit devoted to supporting those in the autism community.

The fair will be at Monteith Farmstead, the site of last year’s popular Appalachian Growers Fair. The farmstead is located between Dillsboro and Sylva, across from Dillsboro Court.

Vendors are needed. Booths cost $30, and registration closes April 1. Make checks payable to Full Spectrum Farms, Inc. Send signed applications and a check to  

Full Spectrum Farms, Inc., 3101 Old Cullowhee Road, Cullowhee N.C. 28723.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 828.293.2521.


Watch world-class paddlers compete in both downriver and slalom competitions in the season’s first major competitive event on the Nantahala River March 26-27.

Paddlers from across the country will be compete in the Bank of America U.S. Open, which serves as a qualifying race to make the USA Canoe/Kayak team. Nantahala Outdoor Center is hosting the event, while the Nantahala Racing Club is the organizer.

There will be two events: whitewater slalom, where competitors must weave through a series of gates hung over the river, and wildwater racing, where competitors paddle down a section of river in the fastest possible time.

In slalom competition, competitors are allowed two runs of the course, which are usually paddled in less than two minutes each. The paddlers negotiate 20 gates and get a two-second penalty if they touch one and an insurmountable 50-second penalty for knocking a gate by more than 45 degrees, proceeding in the wrong order or passing through upside-down.

Wildwater racing features both a Sprint competition, where the course is 500-750 meters long, and a Classic competition, which could be up to nine miles long. In wildwater racing, all paddlers compete in one run, head-to-head.

Go to for more information and click on events.


The 2013 World Freestyle Kayaking Championships being held in the Nantahala Gorge are still two years away, but planning must start now if the region wants to be ready in time.

The freestyle kayaking championship will bring thousands of international visitors to the region, as well as lots of international media coverage. The region will get a trial run of sorts in 2012 when the Junior World Cup Freestyle championship comes to the Gorge.

A forum for tourism-related businesses to talk about preparations for the major influx will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 24, at the Stecoah Valley Cultural Arts Center in Graham County.

Participants will learn what the event entails, how to participate as a tourism partner and how best to leverage the events to encourage tourists to return to the area.

Among the speakers will be Kelly Miller with the Asheville Chamber of Commerce to talk about the lessons he learned as 1996 Olympic Marketing Manager for the Atlanta Chamber; David and Betty Huskins will present the preliminary marketing plan for the events.

Registration preferred. 828.479.3364 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Western Carolina University’s Base Camp Cullowhee has teamed up with local kayak manufacturers to host its sixth annual kayak demo day on the East Fork of the Tuckaseigee River at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, March 19.

Attendees will be able to try out the newest models of whitewater kayaks and get tips on kayak skills from area instructors. The event also includes a freestyle competition called the “Slab Town Throw Down” and a ducky race.

The river rapid called “the slab” can be accessed from Shook Cove Road about 2 miles from the intersection with Highway 107. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 828.227.3633.


A Wilderness First Aid course will be held at Medwest Health & Fitness Center in Haywood County from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 26 and 27.

Learn how to respond to a variety of emergencies in remote locations such as hypothermia, wounds, infection prevention, altitude-related illnesses, burns, neck and spinal injuries and other topics. It is a recommended course for all outdoor enthusiasts such as fisherman, game hunters, climbers and hikers and persons whose occupations require frequent exposure to the remote outdoors.

All participants must possess up-to-date Basic CPR certification in order to enroll in Wilderness First Aid.

Cost is $120 per person. 828.452.8056.


City Lights Bookstore in Sylva will feature local authors of poetry and nonfiction in the coming week.

Coffee with the Poet will meet at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 17, with Brent Martin. Martin, the featured poet, lives in Cowee and works in forest conservation with The Wilderness Society. His published poetry collections include A Shout in the Woods (2010), and Poems from Snow Hill Road (2007).

WCU authors will be the focus of an event at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 18. The bookstore will host a reception celebrating recent books by the WCU faculty.

The first featured authors will be Elizabeth Heffelfinger and Laura Wright, co-authors of Visual Difference: Postcolonial Studies and Intercultural Cinema, published by Peter Lang Publishers. The reception will also honor Bill Anderson, Jane Brown, and Anne Rogers, co-editors of the Payne-Butrick Papers, a multi-volume collection devoted to Cherokee history and culture up through the Removal, recently published by the University of Nebraska Press.

Heffelfinger is assistant professor of English and coordinator of the Motion Picture Studies Program in English at WCU. Laura Wright is associate professor and director of graduate studies in English at WCU. Bill Anderson is professor of history emeritus, Jane Brown is instructor in anthropology, and Anne Rogers is professor of anthropology, all at WCU.



Author Leanna Sain will give a reading at Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville from 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 26.

Sain is the author of the mystery trilogy, which includes Gate to Nowhere, Return to Nowhere and Magnolia Blossoms.

Sain’s most recent book, Magnolia Blossoms, is set during the Civil War. The plot takes the reader to the Union shelling in Charleston harbor and to Atlanta as it burns. Each of Sain’s books is full of action, suspense and romance.

In addition to writing and painting freelance portraits, she co-owns Barewood Furniture and Heartland Amish Furniture with her husband.



To the Editor:

An absence of vision and leadership in Washington is threatening the very existence of our nation. Our national defense, economy and our entire way of life is based upon the availability of economical energy. Special interests have kept us from developing our own resources and made us dependent upon nations that do not have our best interests at heart.

It is appalling that our elected leaders sit by and allow us to be held hostage by foreign powers and show such a dismal lack of vision. Vision seems to be only as far as the next election cycle. Even now, with the Middle East in severe turmoil, we do not interpret this as a serious threat to our national security and use it as a wakeup call to take action within our own borders.

The primary responsibility of the President of The United States is to take timely and appropriate action to protect the nation and our constitution from all threats, both foreign and domestic. To this end, I call upon the President to immediately convene a joint session of Congress and declare a National Emergency. By Executive Order, all barriers to energy exploration must be suspended and an immediate national priority established to fast track every step in the licensing and permitting processes to allow for the exploration and extraction of energy resources and the construction of nuclear power generation facilities. The results would be staggering in the investment by private industry, massive job creation, international respect and the confidence of the American people. This action alone would cause the international price of petroleum to plummet.

Without decisive action taken now, our country will soon be at the mercy of unstable nations who have no history of having ever shown mercy to anyone including their own people. Is this what we will leave our children? Is this what our soldiers in uniform gave their lives for?

Please call or email your U. S. senator and sepresentative and urge them to bring this issue forward. We are staring at an oncoming national emergency, frozen in place, with “deer in the headlights” expressions while watching the TV coverage of turmoil in the Middle East. Wake up, we do not have time to waste.

Bruce Gardner



To the Editor:

I find the stories regarding the downsizing of personnel at WCU deeply disturbing. As an alumnus, be it one from many years ago, I am ashamed of my university, particularly in the way the dismissals were handled. I call on all alumni to write letters to the administration expressing your own feelings about the methods used.

I can’t help but think that the university community could have come together and used their good minds to create innovative solutions to this problem. I have read accounts of businesses where employees urged reductions in their salaries rather than see their co-workers dismissed. I don’t know if that strategy would work in the university system, but I am firm in my belief that faculty and students together could find a way.  

If nothing else, the methods used to notify those whose jobs were lost drastically need changing. There appears to be no compassion, only legal protection for the university. And, I don’t buy the notion that supervisors were only following orders. Surely, one’s own humanity would come to the surface and time could be spent preparing a long-term employee for what is going to take place.

The fact that the writing center has been affected is appalling! It is my understanding that the center remains open with a full-time associate director and other personnel.

To me, however, losing someone who has been there for 10 years can’t help but weaken the program. There is something akin to institutional memory that gets lost in situations like this. I do not know the persons involved or the center.

However, I do know that writing is a life-long endeavor. Learning to write for different disciplines, learning the functions of writing, and the structure of writing, not to mention things like spelling, punctuation, grammar, and word use can trip one up throughout life. In fact, I am sure if someone took this letter apart, good advise would follow on ways to make it better.

There is a myth that resides on every university campus that if university students were trained to write well in elementary school and high school, that they would be fully formed writers when they enter university. Good writers are formed by writing across the curriculum through early education on. Many public schools do not follow that principle.

Therefore, writing should be a part of all syllabi on campus, woven into the subject matter. And certainly, if there is help for students, such as a writing center, it and the people who work there should be nurtured.

Other than alumni letting the administration know how you feel, I urge the university community to demonstrate visible and public support for those who have lost their positions. It really is time for people to shed their fear and stand up.  

Linda Watson



To the Editor:

I ask that our newly elected Sen. Jim Davis, R-Franklin, lead the way for the state Republican representatives and vote no to the unneccessary imposition of a government issued Voter ID on North Carolinians. This will ultimately be an outrageous and uncalled for expense for our state budget as well as for those who can ill afford but will be expected to obtain these IDs.

I have supplied your office with just one of several available studies on the ultimate cost this will impose on all our taxpayers. Studies, readily available on the Internet conclude this is not a cost effective effort. Even studies that do not specifically state the ultimate expense of implementation waffle on the actual benefit of such a bill.  

In short, the proposed bill will not be a solution nor a deterrent to what is a virtually non-existent problem, so why create a taxpayer expense?

Your email response was that our sources differ, however did not detail or provide a link to any source where you find proof other than non-specific references. This appears as a ploy to block the vote of a select segment of North Carolinians. This same ploy is now being foisted as a cost-cutting effort on the public in so many other states.

You further stated that we could therefore agree to disagree. That would be fine under other less important circumstances that would not negatively impact many of our citizens, or the state budget. What’s needed is a bonafide “do-good solution” for real and present problems! A solution that actually creates jobs, supports education, benefits our environment, and other truly pressing needs. This bill is a only a “feel-good solution” to a mythical problem of extensive voter fraud.

So no, we can’t simply agree to disagree – you have a vote, I do not. My option as a voter is to request that you utilize your vote to its highest and best purpose to benefit our state and our people.

Shirley Ches



Tourists and visitors can now pick up a free copy of the 2011 NC Mountains Visitors Guide from the Jackson County Travel & Tourism Authority. The 36-page, full color guide details hiking, rafting, fly fishing and other outdoor activities in Cashiers, Cherokee, Cullowhee, Dillsboro and Sylva. It includes shopping, dining and lodging information as well as a pull-out map of hiking trails and waterfalls. The guide can be viewed online. or 800.962.1911.


The inaugural Golf Classic hosted by the Wesley Foundation at Western Carolina University is coming April 16 to the Lake Junaluska Golf Course.

The classic will include a shotgun start at 1 p.m., and will be captain’s choice. The entry fee is $200 per team of 4, or $50 for an individual who will be put on a team upon arrival. The fee includes 18 holes of golf, a gift bag, a post-tournament cookout and chances for prizes.

The funds raised at the Golf Classic will be used to continue a variety of ministry efforts for the Wesley Foundation.

Sue Heckert at 828.293.9215, or Jay Hinton at 828.368.4235.


A viewing of Davis Guggenheim’s film, “Waiting for Superman” will be held at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, March 24, in the Waynesville library auditorium.

A discussion will follow after the movie on the issue of school choice.

The movie is a real-life documentary about the lives of five  kids and the heart-breaking situations they (and thousands more) face every day because American public educational system is failing them.

Parking at the library is limited — please park in the First Methodist parking lot on Boyd Avenue, which runs down beside the Library.

He move is free, and is sponsored by the Haywood County 9-12 TEA Party.


The Haywood County Arts Council held its 13th Annual Student Honors Recital on Sunday, March 13, at 3 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center in Waynesville.

More than 100 audience members enjoyed a wide range of performances at the Haywood County Arts Council’s at the Performing Arts Center in Waynesville.

Students gave performances including: classical and contemporary piano, voice and brass. Performers were David Kevin Barker, Sidney Gaddis, Madison Garris, Andrew Hammel, Katelyn Hammel, Caitlin Hines, Anthony Huber, Ann Kram, Christopher Lile, Jesse Lloyd, Keegan Lucky-Smith, Isley McClure, Sadie McClure, Catherine Patten, Jordan Santoro, Corey Schiffhauer, Andrew Summers, Daniel Tran, Peter Tran and Caroline Vargas.

Students were from the studios and classrooms of the following teachers: Andrea Adamcova, Carol Gore, Lori Hammel, Mildred McSwain, Elisabeth Price, Roberto Robles (English teacher, Tuscola High), Jennifer Santoro, Travis Stuart (Junior Appalachian Musicians program), and Anna Watson. Mrs. Watson coordinated the recital, Craig Summers and Jennifer Santoro served as accompanists and stage manager was Rob Watson. The reception was provided by the teachers and members of the Haywood County Arts Council’s piano committee.

Of additional interest, recital participant Ann Kram (district Poetry Out Loud champion) was recently named one of nine finalists at the North Carolina Poetry Out Loud Recitation Competition in Raleigh. Old-time banjo player Keegan Lucky-Smith is one of four old-time music student apprentices selected by the North Carolina Arts Council this school year. Keegan is a member of the Haywood County Arts Council’s after school Junior Appalachian Musicians (JAM) program.

For more information about the Student Honors Recital visit the website at, on Facebook at or call the office at 828.452.0593.


Part class, part performance, the Taste of Home Cooking School is coming to the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 24. Tickets are $10.

Chef Michelle Roberts will teach 10 new recipes, from snacks, dips and appetizers to entrees and desserts. She’ll also demonstrate tricks of the trade and have fun with cooking gadgets that will make life easier.

All participants will learn new recipes and will receive a free gift bag.

866.273.4615 or visit


The Pirate’s Ball, an annual gala to raise funds for Folkmoot, will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. on Friday, April 2, at the Laurel Ridge Country Club.

The evening will be emceed by Waynesville Mayor Gavin Brown and auctioneer Richard Hurley. Guests can come dressed as pirates or wear any tropical-themed attire. Prizes will be awarded for the best pirate costumes.

The event will feature hors d’ouevres, desserts, dancing and the chance to rescue community leaders ‘kidnapped’ for $500 ransoms.

Tickets are $50 per person.

877.365.5872 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The Haywood County Historical and Genealogical Society will hold its next monthly meeting at 6 p.m. on Friday, March 25, at the First Baptist Church in Waynesville. The annual dinner meeting will be in the fellowship hall with dinner prepared by the women of First Baptist Church.  Reservations are required at a cost of $12 per person.

There will be a short business meeting at 7 p.m. followed by a program presented by Bobbie Jaynes Triplett Curtis entitled “The Bright Forever,” a one-woman play written by local playwright Gary Carden.

828.456.3923. Leave a message giving the number of requested dinners, a contact name and telephone number.


“Jazz It Up,” a concert by saxophonist Lloyd Weinberg and vibraphonist Paul Babelay, will be presented at 8 p.m., Thursday, March 17, in the main hall of the Macon County Public Library.

The program spans jazz styles from Dixieland, Latin and swing, to contemporary works, including classics like “Sweet Georgia Brown” and “Take the A Train,” with an audience participation tribute to Saint Patrick’s Day.

Light refreshments will be served. Admission is by donation. 828.524.7683 or visit


A St. Patrick’s Day Irish Buffet Fund Raiser will be held at the Station Restaurant and The Storytelling Center in Bryson City from 5 p.m., with storytelling to begin at 7 p.m., on Thursday, March 17, hosted by The Storytelling Center of the Southern Appalachians.

The buffet will feature traditional Irish dishes, such as corned beef and cabbage, Balleymaloe stew, Colcannon and Bangers, shepherd’s pie and soda bread. The price of the buffet is $9.95 plus tax. A donation is requested at the storytelling event, to be held after dinner. Theme for the evening is “The Irish in the Southern Appalachians.”


Western Carolina University musical theater students will present Cole Porter’s classic musical “Kiss Me, Kate” at 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, March 24 to 26, and at 3 p.m., Sunday, March 27, in the Fine and Performing Arts Center.

The play chronicles the complicated relationships on and off the stage of a group of theater actors as they prepare a production of Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew.”

Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for senior citizens and $5 for students.

828.227.2479 or visit


Kids who love to sing and are in first through 12th grades next year are invited to Open Rehearsal Night for Voices in the Laurel Children’s Choir.

There will be singing, fun, instruments, food and audition information. Open rehearsals are Tuesday, March 22, at Long’s Chapel United Methodist Church in Waynesville. Rehearsals are held by age group: Treble Makers (first and second grades) 4 to 4:45 p.m.; Concert Choir (third through fifth grades) 5 to 6 p.m., Chamber Choir (sixth through 12th grades) 6:15 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.

Voices in the Laurel is Western North Carolina’s renowned youth choir, made of regional students from elementary through high school. The group offers an authentic program that focuses on providing young people quality choral education in fun and innovative ways. Categories of musical styles vary from gospel and hymns to jazz, international, Celtic, and traditional folk music. The mission of Voices in the Laurel is for choristers to develop skills and confidence that will stick with them for life.

828.734.8413 or visit


Blood, Sweat and Tears will appear at the Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 19. Chuck Negron, former lead singer of Three Dog Night will also appear with the group.

Racking up sales in the millions, BS&T earned multiple gold albums, 10 Grammy nominations, and won three Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year. The world was introduced to Chuck Negron and Three Dog Night in 1969 by the breakthrough million seller “One.” Driven by Chuck Negron’s solo lead vocals on four million selling singles, three #1 records, five top-5 hits and seven top 40 hits, Negron put and kept Three Dog Night on the charts for six years.

Tickets are $45. 866.273.4615 or visit


The next Winter Barn Dance at the Bascom in Highlands is scheduled for 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday, March 26. The evening will be to honor veterans and tickets are $5 per person. Admission for honorees is complimentary. Food and beverages will be available for purchase.

828.526.4949 or visit


The 9th Annual “Whole Bloomin’ Thing” Spring Festival Committee is now accepting applications from local growers, artisans, and wellness-and-nature-related professionals for this year’s event, to be held on Saturday, May 7, in Waynesville’s Frog Level.

E-mail to request an application. Applications are due March 31.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Tuckasegee Tavern, a new tavern on Depot Street in Bryson City, is opening its doors for a St. Patrick’s Day celebration at 8 p.m. on Thursday, March 17, featuring musical guests Aaron Plantenburg and Larry Barnette.

The bar will also host a Relay for Life Benefit on Saturday, March 19, with music by DJ Kevin Parker and their Grand Opening Party is scheduled for 8 p.m. on Saturday, April 2, featuring Big House Radio, with special guest Kenton and Kelly.

Weekly events include movies at 9 p.m. each Monday, karaoke with The Big Choago at 9 p.m. on Tuesdays and team trivia from 7:30 p.m. on Thursdays.

828.388.9880 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The Groovy Movie Club will show the film “Secretariat“ at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 18, at the home of Buffy Queen in Dellwood. A mostly organic potluck dinner will precede the screening at 6:15 p.m. This event is free and open to the public.

The Groovy Movie Club meets the second or third Friday of every month to show excellent films, both feature and documentary, with a message. A discussion will follow.

828.926.3508 or 828.454.5949 for reservations and directions or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The following statement was issued by the Swain County Board of Commissioners after the DSS board failed to take action Tuesday night to suspend employees named in an SBI investigation:

The Swain County Board of Commissioners is extremely disappointed with the actions of the Department of Social Services Board. During the last Commissioner’s meeting the Board asked the DSS Board to temporarily suspend employees that had been named in the investigation.  This is a procedure that is followed in most Counties in North Carolina.  It has never been the intention of the Board of Commissioners to accuse anyone of wrong-doing, but suspending the employees would help authorities with the State conduct an unbiased investigation and have more flexibility to do their job.

These suspensions would help DSS regain the trust of the community.  The Commissioners feel that the DSS board members are not working for the citizens of Swain County. The DSS Board did not vote on this issue at their Tuesday night meeting.  The Board of Commissioners feel that the needs of the children should have more priority than the needs of the Director or employees.

Therefore, the Commissioners urge all the current DSS Board members to immediately resign, so that these positions can be filled with people who are not afraid to put the best interests of children and families of Swain County first at all times.



Biologists recently confirmed white-nose syndrome at a third site in North Carolina, meaning two counties are now positive for the disease that has killed hundreds of thousands of bats in the eastern United States.

The disease was confirmed late last month in Yancey County. It was previously discovered in a retired Avery County mine and in a cave at Grandfather Mountain State Park.

“We knew that white-nose syndrome was coming and began preparing for its arrival, but we have a lot of work to do to address the impact of this disease on bats and our natural systems” said Chris McGrath, wildlife diversity program coordinator in the N.C. Wildlife Commission’s Wildlife Management Division.

While much remains to be learned about white-nose syndrome, there is evidence that people may inadvertently spread the fungus believed to cause the disease from cave-to-cave. Therefore, the most important step people can take to help bats is staying out of caves and mines.

While there are no known direct human health effects of the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome, the impact upon humans, other wildlife, and agriculture as a result of declines in bat populations could be substantial. Bats play a significant role as night-flying insect predators.

At this time, the fungus appears to grow on bat skin in the cave environment during hibernation. Infected bats may spread the fungal spores to other bats and roosts during the warmer summer months; however, the fungus only grows in a narrow range of temperatures (41 to 56 degrees Fahrenheit) in high humidity conditions.


The Rev. Daniel P. Matthews of Waynesville has been selected as the new board chair of Friends of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the first from North Carolina since the regional organization’s inception in 1993.  

Matthews and his wife, Deener, own and operate the Swag Country Inn on the border of the national park in Haywood County. They also serve on the foundation board of the Haywood Regional Medical Center. Matthews is rector emeritus of New York City’s Trinity Episcopal Church on Wall Street, and currently serves as trustee and co-chair of the development committee for The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City.

Matthews’ 17-year tenure with Trinity included serving as an advocate for and commentator on the church’s post-Sept. 11 mission, which included a 24-hour center of refuge and relief for eight months after the attack. He was awarded the Order of the British Empire in recognition of his leadership during that period.

Other changes to the board of Friends of the Smokies include the election of Nancy Daves of Knoxville, Tenn., as a director. Stephen W. Woody of Asheville, founding vice chair, now serves as treasurer. Dale Keasling of Knoxville is vice chair, and Knoxville’s Kay Clayton is the board secretary.

Friends of the Smokies in a nonprofit organization that has raised more than $31 million to support educational programs, historic preservation projects and more.

Visit the organization’s website at


Western North Carolina Alliance has put together a panel of experts to talk about white-nose syndrome, a disease that threatens our bat population.

The program will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, March 10, at the University of North Carolina in Asheville at the Humanities Lecture Hall.

The panel will discuss how white-nose syndrome is being treated, implications of the infestation and what it means to the rest of us. An audience question and answer will follow the panel discussion.

On hand will be Bill Stiver, a wildlife biologist for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park; Chris Nicolay, an associate professor of biology at UNC Asheville; Dan Henry of the National Speleological Society an Flittermouse Grotto of Western North Carolina; Susan Loeb, a research ecologist for the U.S. Forest Service’s Southern Research Station; Ben Prater, associate director of Wild South; Gabrielle Graeter, a wildlife diversity biologist for the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission; and Sue Cameron, a wildlife biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

The panel will be moderated by Susan Sachs, Education Coordinator at the Appalachian Highlands Science Learning Center in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

White-nose syndrome was recently identified in WNC’s bat population, the first appearances of the illness in this state. This disease is believed to be caused by a fungus, Geomyces destructans, which is estimated to have killed more than a million bats in the eastern United States between 2006 and 2010. The disease can kill up to 100 percent of bat colonies during hibernation and could result in the extinction of numerous bat species 828.258.8737 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


A free workshop will be held March 25 on the voluntary agricultural district programs and farmland protection planning for counties and municipalities.

The workshop (rescheduled from March 18) will be at the Haywood County Center in Waynesville from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Topics will include and overview of estate-tax changes, farmland protection plan development, agritourism and other economic development opportunities, nuisance protection, condemnation and eminent domain.

These workshops are for board members, program staff, planners, farmers and others from counties and municipalities with these type programs, or those considering adopting such programs.

While there is no fee for this workshop, there is a voluntary lunch donation.


A St. Patrick’s Day “green” fundraiser is set for Saturday, March 12, from 6-9:30 p.m. at Nantahala Brewery in Bryson City.

The brewery is on Depot Street. There will be Irish music by Bean Sidhe (“Banshee”), plus Celtic jamming. Bring a covered dish to share. Cost is $10 for members of the Watershed Association of the Tuckasegee River; $15 for others. There will be a cash bar.

Reservations are appreciated but not required. 828.488.8418 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Don’t have a greenhouse, or worried your cat will destroy any new plants? Then get an early start on this year’s garden by letting the folks at Old Armory Recreation Center Greenhouse take on your plants.

The greenhouse will open March 14 at 7 a.m. Trays can be rented at a cost of $5 per tray. The maximum allowed is five trays per person.

Hurry, because only 200 trays are sold. You provide the seeds. Trays will be watered everyday, and you can check on your plants during operating hours. The hours are Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

This program is conducted on a first come first serve basis. Reservations must be made in person at the facility.

828.456.9207 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Still haven’t checked out the national treasure of hiking trails in our backyard in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park? Or haven’t ventured beyond one or two trailheads?

Join Friends of the Smokies hiking enthusiast and author Danny Bernstein and a panel of Smokies hikers at REI in Asheville at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 9, to learn more about the ins and outs of hiking in the Smokies. From a leisurely stroll along the Oconaluftee River to a two-night backpack along the Appalachian Trail, our adventurous panel has endeavored to hike all the trails in the Smokies.


Western Carolina University’s Hunter Library will have hundreds of books, DVDs, CDs and other media on sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 15, and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 16.

Fiction and nonfiction, reference materials such as encyclopedias and dictionaries, children’s books, an assortment of maps, and books in the sciences, technology, social sciences and humanities will all be on sale.

Prices will be 25 cents for paperbacks and $1 for hard copies. Only cash purchases will be allowed.

Visitors coming to WCU for the sale may park in any available campus parking space, except for reserved spaces.


To the Editor:

As a resident of Sylva, a dog lover, and a volunteer for several local rescue groups, I am astonished that any reasonable person would oppose the very basic protections that regulating commercial dog breeders would offer to their breeding dogs.

At puppy mills in North Carolina, dogs are literally crammed into tiny wire cages, denied even basic veterinary care, exposed to extremes of heat and cold, and given no exercise or human attention. Opposition groups are attempting to divert attention from one basic fact: puppy mills are cruel and the way these dogs are treated is wrong. Dogs are companion animals and were never meant to be bred or treated this way. Reasonable regulations will crack down on puppy mill abuses by establishing common sense and COMPASSIONATE standards for the basic care of dogs. Puppy mill operators are motivated by one thing:  MONEY. They do not care about the welfare of the animal, nor do they care about the health of their breeding dogs, or the offspring for that matter. Offspring are sold to an unsuspecting and uneducated public despite the truth about these torture chambers for canines.

Animal shelters are already at full capacity and rescue groups (who are all nonprofit and rely on volunteers, donations and fundraisers) continue to be overwhelmed with unwanted pets. Every time a “puppy mill” location is shut down, or they feel the need to purge themselves of worn out and elderly breeding dogs, these same shelters and rescue groups are then burdened with the task of caring for these animals, as well as finding them suitable homes.

In addition, because these castoff animals are not socialized properly, many have behavioral issues as well as medical issues. It costs taxpayers a lot of money for the shelters to take care of these issues. Not to mention the emotional strain this adds to shelter workers and the rescue organizations. It affects our communities beyond what you could imagine.

Honestly, I am embarrassed with our country at large regarding the fact that we even allow “man’s best friend” to be kept under these conditions, knowing how inhumane it is. Responsible breeders carefully breed their dogs to improve the genetics and positive attributes of their canines, and, typically are very particular about the homes their dogs are placed in. They actually care for their dogs.

I urge anyone who loves animals to contact your legislators and ask them to regulate commercial dog breeders and require them to pay taxes like all other N.C. businesses. I would also encourage you to familiarize yourself with what a puppy mill really is, if you do not know. If you’re not appalled and repulsed, then check your pulse.

Patricia Thomas



To the Editor:

To the taxpayers, business owners and residents of Maggie Valley, I personally apologize to each and everyone of you for my behavior during our Feb. 15 town meeting. Needless to say I was very angry with the other board members regarding several issues that were not being shared with the public prior to this meeting. My actions may have been wrong, but my meaning was true.

I take great pride in serving the people sitting on the board of alderman in Maggie Valley. I will not sit on this board with blinders on, and I will not be someone’s puppet. Again, I apologize for my behavior but please understand. I serve the people, not the board.

And when all is said and done, what Maggie does not need is cover-ups, liars and sexual harassment. We need to strive for the future, for clinging to the past will only dim the fortunes of today. And the truth will stand when nothing else will.

Phil Aldridge

Maggie Valley


To the Editor:

There is a battle going on in the U.S. Congress for the soul of our country. The U.S. House of Representatives passed a budget which, if enacted, would plunge our economy back into recession.

According to The Washington Post, Moody’s Analytics economist Mark Zandi, who was John McCain’s economic advisor, stated that the bill just passed by the U.S. House would cause 400,000 U.S. citizens to lose their jobs this year and 700,000 by the end of 2012. Economists from Goldman Sachs confirmed the estimate of massive job losses and a slow down of growth. The House budget also eliminates or drastically curtails programs that enable us to breathe clean air and trust in the safety of our food and water. However, it does allow for $4 billion in subsidies and tax breaks for oil companies, who reported record profits last year.

The Guardian/UK and Reuters recently released reports about U.S. corporate tax dodgers. For example, Bank of America, who received a $45 billion bailout from taxpayers in 2008, paid zero federal income taxes in 2009. Bank of America, like many other large American corporations, hides many of its profits in overseas tax havens and makes use of tax loopholes.  

The redistribution of wealth has been incredibly successful in the last 30 years. The highest-earning 1 percent of the U.S. population increased its share of income from 9 percent to 19 percent, helped by tax breaks and loopholes which can be exploited by the rich. Workers’ wages have been stagnant or falling for at least 30 years. Many of the super rich use their windfall profits to invest in China, India, hedge funds, and to buy politicians and influence elections. At a time of national economic crises, corporations and the super rich are able and should contribute far more in taxes. Instead the House budget will remove protections for the poor and middle class while protecting corporations and the rich.

Of course we must address our country’s long-term debt. However, even the bipartisan deficit commission warned against drastic measures while our economy is still fragile. I don’t want to leave my grandchildren with an insurmountable national debt, but, even more so, I don’t want to leave them a third world country with a few filthy rich haves, the rest of us as have-nots, where it is not safe to drink the water.

Carole Larivee



The predicament surrounding the arena began when Monroe Miller — the county’s leading critic who regularly lambasts commissioners at their meetings and via email on any and every topic — filed a complaint with the North Carolina Department of Insurance, decrying the lack of code-standard restrooms at the arena.

The arena had been up-and-running since 2006, when County Building Inspector Bruce Crawford granted a temporary certificate of occupancy. The building was safe — sprinkler systems were solidly in place — and the only piece of the puzzle remaining was bathrooms. Crawford signed off on the temporary permit, hoping that they would be finished in a year, tops.

In the meantime, port-a-potties were brought in for events, and there were other bathrooms on site in two multi-purpose buildings.

But then the economy began to slouch noticeably, then grind to a veritable halt, and the project — like so many others — ran out of money and the port-a-potties slowly became more permanent fixtures.

Years passed and, though the site wasn’t up to code, the general safety wasn’t in question and although the temporary permit was going on five years.

When Miller filed the complaint, the state insurance department in turn called Crawford and quizzed him on the temporary permit, which Crawford was then forced to withdraw.

According to Crawford, the building codes are not exactly cut-and-dry. The code provision that allows for temporary permits only says they can be issued for a period of time, with no specifications about what that period may by.


Haywood and Jackson County residents can attend free CPR training from the American Red Cross. Registration is open for “CPR Saturday,” which is sponsored by MedWest Carolina’s Healthcare. The event will be held with two classes at each location March 12 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Included in the class is traditional CPR training, which involves compressions and mouth-to mouth breathing techniques, as well as compressions-only CPR at some locations. Recent studies have reported that in many cases compression-only CPR can be as effective as traditional CPR in saving lives. In Haywood County, the class is offered at Haywood Regional Health and Fitness Center and the Waynesville Recreation Center.

828.456.8141 or visit


HandMade in America is working with Bryson City as a part of its Small Towns program, which assists small towns in revitalization efforts.

A resource team with the nonprofit will visit Bryson City March 16 through March 18 to conduct individual and group interviews, and tour the town to collect information on the town’s assets and deficiencies. The information will be compiled into a report of recommendations on goals for improving the town. That report will be given to the mayor’s office to create an implementation strategy.

HandMade is seeking as much local participation as possible in gathering this information. Bryson City residents can attend a free, casual dinner Thursday, March 17 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Iron Skillet Restaurant. RSVP 828.488.3681.


Healthy Haywood will kick off its annual fitness challenge beginning March 14.

Registration is $10. Participants can attend a variety of fitness classes offered by local fitness centers and businesses. Participants are free to choose which classes to attend over the eight-week period.

Registration for the 2011 Fitness Challenge is March 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18. All registration days take place at the following locations and times:

• Urban Athletics on Monday, March 14 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

• Haywood Regional Health and Fitness Center Tuesday, March 15 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

• Waynesville Recreation Center Wednesday, March 16 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

• Cooperative Extension, Thursday, March 17 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

• The Fitness Connection Friday, March 18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The event kick-off is Tuesday, March 22 at the Waynesville Recreation Center from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., with chances to win gym memberships and restaurant gift certificates.

The mid-point event, Healthy Taste of Haywood, will take place April 19 at the Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center’s Harrell Center. Participants will learn how to make healthy dining choices and will taste healthy options from several local vendors such as Coffee Cup Café, Blue Rooster Southern Grill, Connie’s Kitchen, Bi-Lo Grocery, Smoky Mountain Café, Blue Ridge Books, Panacea, Food Lion, Kaninis, Nico’s Café, J. Arthurs, Los Amigos, The Patio, and Bocellis Italian Eatery.  

The grand finale event will be May 11 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Canton Armory.

Healthy Haywood is a program of the Haywood County Health Department and certified Healthy Carolinians Partnership.  828.452.6675 ext. 2272 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


A mental health program at MedWest-Haywood hospital has been expanded to include the general population through a behavioral health outpatient program.

The program began as a counseling and support system for active and veteran members of the military.

The pilot program was funded by a U.S. Department of Defense grant through the Odum Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It expired in December 2010. MedWest recently received a $120,000 grant from the Evergreen Foundation and an $88,000 grant from Rural Hope to continue offering a psychiatric care department. These grants will provide equipment allowing faster patient evaluation and placement.

Admission priority for the Behavioral Outpatient Program is given to MedWest-Haywood referrals from the hospital’s emergency department or other units. Residents of Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Clay, Cherokee, Graham and Swain counties receive the next priority, followed by residents elsewhere in the state. 828.452.8999


The Arc of Haywood will be promoting advocacy for those with development disabilities in March.

This is to honor Development Disabilities Awareness Month.

A United Way agency, The Arc of Haywood was founded in 1976 in Haywood County and continues to serve and enrich the lives of individuals with development disabilities and their families. The Arc encourages the community to get involved through volunteering or donating to the cause.


The artwork of regional students will be on display as part of the 2011 Jackson County Youth Art Month exhibit, from March 14 through April 11, in the lobby of Western Carolina University’s Fine and Performing Arts Center.

A reception will be held from 1 to 3 p.m., Sunday, April 10, with an announcement of prizewinners will be at 1:30 p.m.

The exhibit is part of Youth Art Month, an annual and national observance that emphasizes the value of art education for all. Some of the winning pieces will be added to WCU’s permanent Youth Art Month collection.

828.227.3598 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


A program entitled The Thoroughly Modern Family is offered from 3 to 4:15 p.m. on Saturday, March 19, at Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville.

The event is designed to be a fun, fast-paced event with presentations by local marriage and family experts with plenty of time for audience interaction to answer questions about how to keep marriages and families happy and healthy in the 21st century.

828.456.6000 to reserve a place.


The Macon County Public Library is calling for entries in its “Waking with Spring” Appalachian Trail photography contest. The competition is celebrating Franklin’s designation as an Appalachian Trail Conservancy Community. Any photographs of hikers, landscapes, or nature taken on the Appalachian Trail are accepted.

This contest is open to amateurs and all contestants are welcome. There is a junior category for under-16s and an adult category for everyone 16 and up. The top three winners in both categories will receive a prize and the snapshots will be judged by three local artists

For every $10 entry fee, up to three photos may be entered. Entries will be accepted until March 21. Photos will be on display at the Macon County Public Library until April 8.

828.524.3600 or


The Gamma Zeta chapter of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity at Western Carolina University will host a chili and handcrafted ceramic bowl fundraiser from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 12.

The fundraiser is to benefit Heifer International, which is hard at work providing self-sustaining aid to families in the United States and around the world.

This event features chili and handcrafted ceramic bowls created by WCU students and local artisans. Each bowl comes with a free meal. Music will be by Losing Lizzy.

The menu includes traditional and vegetarian chili, hotdogs or chilidogs, cornbread, and dessert and will take place on the grounds of the law office of Michele D. Smith, 76 New Dawn Lane (behind Snappy Lube).

For more information or donations contact Hayden Smith at 615.604.9244 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The Haywood County Arts Council will present its 13th-annual Student Honors Recital at 3 p.m., Sunday, March 13, at the Performing Arts Center in Waynesville.

A cookies and punch reception will take place immediately following the recital.

The annual concert features students from the Arts Council’s afterschool Junior Appalachian Musicians program, as well as high school participants in Haywood County’s Poetry Out Loud program.

828.452.0593 or


A Cherokee Music Day is coming to Cherokee Central School on Wednesday, March 16, with a full slate of free concerts and hands-on interactive instruction between North Carolina Symphony members and students.

The day begins with two small ensemble concerts, a band master class and classroom visit with North Carolina Symphony Associate Conductor Sarah Hicks. The full symphony will perform a free education concert for elementary and middle school-age students, after which students can meet symphony musicians and try out some of the orchestra’s instruments for themselves.

The education concert asks students and teachers “What Makes Music Music?” with a rich and engaging musical lineup. The events are closed to the public.

Jessica Nalbone at 919.789.5461 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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