

Military, veterans discounts on tree seedlings

Beginning Nov. 11, the N.C. Forest Service is offering a 20% discount on tree seedling orders placed by active, honorably discharged or retired military personnel throughout November. The discount applies to the first $500 of all new orders, up to a $100 discount. 

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North Carolina gets dryer

The North Carolina Drought Management Advisory Council has classified the whole state as at least abnormally dry and a moderate drought has spread in the eastern part of the state, according to the latest advisory released Thursday.  

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‘Pickin’ for Pisgah’ Benefit Raises $15,000 for FIND Outdoors and Helene Recovery

FIND Outdoors announced the success of the “Pickin’ for Pisgah” benefit concert, an inspiring evening of music, community, and love for our local public lands.

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DEQ provides funding for projects to reduce flood risks in North Carolina communities

The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Flood Resiliency Blueprint is working with the North Carolina Land and Water Fund (NCLWF) to implement flood reduction and floodplain protection projects. DEQ is allocating over $9 million to 15 NCLWF projects that will provide an estimated 465 acre-feet of flood water retention, or 152 million gallons, during flood events.  

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Word from the Smokies: Rematore departs Smokies Life with strong record of accomplishment

When Laurel Rematore announced she was moving to the Great Smoky Mountains, Denise Matsuoka was shocked. Matsuoka, Rematore’s close friend since high school, remembered how Rematore had described the Smokies when she’d visited a couple of years earlier.

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Up Moses Creek: A Head of Streaming Hair

Just before sunset on Oct. 15, Becky and I left home for the Jackson County Airport, its runway laid on a flattened-off ridge near Cullowhee named Berry Mountain.

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Haywood Waterways assists EPA to perform Hazard Assessment Surveys

The day after Helene moved through the region, Haywood Waterways Association (HWA) was on the phone calling partners or visiting sites as they could to assess how they fared and if HWA could do anything to assist. 

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Submit soil samples by Nov. 26 to avoid peak-season fees

Submit soil samples by Nov. 26 to avoid peak-season fees

The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services soil testing lab is about to hit its busy season and growers and homeowners are encouraged to submit soil samples by Nov. 26 to avoid peak-season fees and to get results and recommendations sooner.

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Friends of Panthertown volunteer appreciation party

Friends of Panthertown invites Panthertown volunteers, board members, partners, hike leaders, conservationists and friends to join us for an afternoon of appreciation and celebration. This event is happening from 2-5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16, in downtown Sylva at 116 Central Street.

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