Nurturing nature: Behind the scenes at Highlands Biological Station
Located atop “The Plateau” on the outskirts of downtown Highlands, the Highlands Biological Station is a world-renowned facility for academics, locals and visitors alike.
Learn about Hellbenders with Highlands Biological Foundation
The Highlands Biological Foundation is hosting its final Zahner Conservation Lecture of the season. Lori Williams, a Wildlife Diversity Biologist with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), will present “All About Hellbenders!”
Highlands lecture series to host NASA scientist
The Highlands Biological Foundation (HBF) announced the next lecture in their Zahner Conservation Lecture Series, taking place at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 1, at the Highlands Nature Center.
Highlands lecture on rare bird, habitat
The Highlands Biological Foundation (HBF) invites the community to the next installment of its Zahner Conservation Lecture series at 6 p.m. on Thursday, July 18.
HBF hosts ‘Landscape Meanders’ lecture
The Highlands Biological Foundation (HBF) continues its Zahner Conservation Lecture series Thursday, July 1.
HBF continues ‘Appalachian Apothecary’ lecture
The Highlands Biological Foundation (HBF) continues its Zahner Conservation Lecture series at 6 p.m. on Thursday, June 20. Registered Herbalist Patricia Kyritsi Howell will take the stage to discuss “Appalachian Apothecary: Herbs of Yesterday and Today.” Following the lecture, attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy a small reception.
‘Appalachian Apothecary’ lecture is June 20
The Highlands Biological Foundation (HBF) continues its Zahner Conservation Lecture series at 6 p.m. on Thursday, June 20. Registered Herbalist Patricia Kyritsi Howell will take the stage to discuss “Appalachian Apothecary: Herbs of Yesterday and Today.”
Zahner lectures begin June 13
The Highlands Biological Foundation (HBF) announced the kickoff of its annual Zahner Conservation Lecture series.
Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation names new executive director
The Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation announced that Charlotte Muir has been appointed as its new executive director. The announcement comes following an extensive nationwide search conducted by the Succession Planning Committee and approval from the Board of Directors.
Highlands Biological Foundation appoints interim director
Winter Gary has been appointed interim executive director of the Highlands Biological Foundation as the organization works through a leadership transition after Charlotte Muir left for an executive director position with the Highlands Cashiers Health Foundation.