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WNC Communities seeks nominations for Agricultural Hall of Fame

WNC Communities seeks nominations for Agricultural Hall of Fame

WNC Communities is now accepting nominations for the Western North Carolina Agricultural Hall of Fame.

This prestigious honor recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the agricultural sector, driving sustainability and growth in the region. 

Established in 1991, the objectives of the Western North Carolina Agricultural Hall of Fame are to honor significant contributions to agriculture, to recognize individuals who have been responsible for agricultural advancement and to improve and promote agriculture and agribusiness in Western North Carolina. Selection of members for the Western North Carolina Agricultural Hall of Fame is conducted annually, and the general public is invited to submit nominations for this honor.

out WNCcommunities

The guidelines, criteria and nomination form for 2025 may be downloaded at wnccommunities.org, and anyone can pick up a hardcopy at the WNC Communities office at 594 Brevard Road in Asheville. Nominations must be received by Monday, March 10, 2025.

WNC Communities will hold the annual Western North Carolina Agricultural Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on Aug. 8, 2025, at the Davis Event Center in the WNC Agriculture Center in Fletcher.

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