Volunteers needed for Richland Creek cleanup

Haywood Waterways is hosting a cleanup session for Waynesville’s Richland Creek.
The cleanup will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Dec. 7.
Meet at the Vance Street pavilion located along Richland Creek down the hill from the Waynesville Recreation Center at 550 Vance Street in Waynesville.
The cleanup will take place along the stream bank of Richland Creek. Gloves, trash bags, and trash grabbers will be provided. Please wear closed-toe shoes and long pants that can get dirty and wet if you want to get into the water.
RSVP by Dec. 6 to Christine O’Brien at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 828.476.4667, ext. 1.