Partner content: Reading List

Periodically I like to share some of the books I’ve been reading. Would love to hear what’s on your Kindle or nightstand so be sure and email me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here are five non-fiction books that I’ve read recently that I’d recommend:
“Extremely Online” – Taylor Lorenz – The rise in popularity of social media and how the different platforms changed so many aspects of our lives and how we obtain and share information.
“Farmers versus Foodies” – Ray A. Starling – Why there’s often a disconnect between the people growing and raising our food and the people eating it.
“Radium Girls” – Kate Moore — The true story of the women in the early 20th century who worked with radium and painted watch and machine dials and often became ill or died due to radium poisoning.
“How Medicine Works and When it Doesn’t” – F. Perry Wilson, MD - The strengths and limitation of medicine and how to spot misinformation.
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“Fake Medicine” – Dr. Brad McKay – Misinformation in medicine and how it can be harmful.
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian