Bill was a power grab

To the Editor:

I’m not certain, Senator Kevin Corbin, R-Franklin, that your constituency thoroughly understands your characterization of Senate Bill 382 as an “historic legislative response.”  

GOP’s rationale for power grab just doesn’t wash

When they are challenged on their authoritarianism, North Carolina Republicans’ most frequent ploy is to retrieve grievances from decades ago. The party is run by a coterie of legislators who suffered years of irrelevance and disrespect at the hands of the eastern North Carolina Democratic machine, and these people still enjoy resurrecting Democratic misdeeds to justify their own malfeasance. 

Elections bill is partisan power grab

To the Editor:

The passage of SB 749 in the North Carolina House of Representatives on Sept. 19, 2023, a bill ironically called “No Partisan Advantage in Elections” removes the selection of local county election boards from the counties and gives that authority to the General Assembly in Raleigh, which at the present time is controlled by the Republican party.

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