Don’t fall for that 5-planet crap
It’s been awhile since The Naturalist’s Corner’s chief investigative journalist, Kuteeng Satire, has been called upon to help us clarify any natural history phenomenon that might be accessible to most of our fellow travelers here on Spaceship Earth.
A yes or no please: Has the state school budget been cut?
Democratic candidates who pledge to fight for more education funding could resonate with parents witnessing the impacts of the funding shortfall in Haywood Schools. Or those voters could likewise be turned off by candidates making political hay over the issue.
I swear, it’s really much ado about nothing
Sometimes in the world of journalism, the story becomes more about the reaction than the original news event. By my estimation, that’s what’s going on right with Franklin Mayor Bob Scott and his decision to put his hand on the Constitution instead of the Bible when getting sworn in for his second term.
Scott is one of those small-town politicians who seems to come to public service naturally. He is a former alderman, has led the local chamber of commerce and the Rotary Club. He’s been a journalist and a public affairs officer who believes passionately in open government. He’s retired, but from what I’ve seen he works nearly all the time as chief cheerleader and advocate for his adopted hometown.
Swearing to God still carries political weight
Public officials aren’t required to place their hand on a Bible to be sworn into office, but a majority of them still do.
Let’s play pretend politician: what issues would you own?
I’m not running for office and never will, but as a citizen of Haywood County and Western North Carolina and the U.S., it’s somewhat sporting to imagine what positions I would campaign on if I was running for election in one our towns or counties, hell even at the state or federal level.
It’s interesting to find out just what motivates people to put themselves out their and run for office. Today’s media — and I’m not talking about local newspapers — creates a challenging, frenzied political arena.
WCU community grapples with academic pursuits in the face of politically-charged outside funding
A firestorm over the outside private funding of academia and its potential to undermine intellectual freedom has erupted in recent weeks at Western Carolina University.
Faculty and university leaders have been embroiled in a debate over whether to take $2 million from the Charles Koch Foundation, a funding arm tied to the conservative Koch brothers. The money would be used to establish a Center for the Study of Free Enterprise.
SEE ALSO: WCU leaders, faculty at odds over Koch-funded free enterprise center
Franklin elects fresh faces to town board
Everyone was a bit surprised on Nov. 3 when the election results came out in Franklin — even the candidates who were elected.
Three compete for House seat
Rep. Michele Presnell, R-Burnsville, has announced her intentions to run for a third term, but two Democrats have stepped up to challenge her for the chance to represent the 118th District of North Carolina.
Political posturing once again waylays vote on Lake Junaluska, Waynesville merger
A bill paving the way for the merger of Lake Junaluska with the town of Waynesville was blocked at the 11th hour this week in the N.C. General Assembly.
Maggie mayor may have competitor in election
The political dynamics in Maggie Valley have definitely changed in the last two years.