America’s golden age, or Gilded Age?

Did anyone else watch the inauguration? I mean, I’m sure it was the biggest, best and most-watched inauguration in the history of America, right? My eyes and ears were glued to my computer screen. It was unbelievable, more like a campaign rally speech where promises one knows they can never keep are bandied about like leaves falling from a tree.

Choose wisely with your vote

To the Editor:

 This upcoming election is going to be a close call. According to many of the polls being taken, the number one issue for many voters is the economy. A Gallup poll on late 2023 showed 53% of Americans thought the Republicans are better at running the economy compared to 39% for Democrats.

Electoral College’s value is underestimated

In this election year of 2024 I want to discuss two controversial topics: the Electoral College and two-senators-per-state rule. 

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