Macon Master Gardeners to host plant sale
Come out to the Macon County Master Gardener Association’s plant sale.
Ready for the ‘May Gemboree’?
The “May Gemboree” will be held May 17-19 at the Robert C. Carpenter Community Building in Franklin.
‘And So I Run’ reading in Franklin
Author Anne Jobe will be hosting a special reading at 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 15, at the Macon County Public Library in Franklin.
Macon County to receive expanded high-speed internet
Efforts are continuing to bring high-speed internet access to communities across North Carolina.
Franklin arts and crafts fair
The Friends of the Greenway (FROG) will host an arts and crafts fair from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 4, at the FROG Quarters, located at 573 East Main St. in Franklin.
Macon still waiting on NCHSAA decision
Macon County Schools may have to wait until the end of the summer for a decision on the athletic division restructuring coming down the pipe from the North Carolina High School Association. In the meantime, the board continues to hear from Macon Early College families who want to remain a part of high school sports in the county.
‘Carousel of the Arts': Macon residents urge funding for arts
Emergency federal funding provided quick relief to school systems burdened by costs incurred during the COVID-19 Pandemic. For Macon County Schools, some of that funding provided the opportunity for additional art teachers. Now, with that federal funding coming to an end, those additional art positions could be in jeopardy.
Library board member is an embarrassment
To the Editor:
Diann Catlin is a member of the Macon County Public Library (MCPL) Board of Trustees. It is her job to act professionally and remain neutral in regards to the business of the library. She has not done this.
Don’t loosen floodplain restrictions
To the Editor:
Last week, we were informed that one of our Macon County commissioners is planning to eliminate the floodplain (development) ordinance. My small eco-tours business will be negatively impacted by this.
Macon County will not sell Pine Grove School
After extensive input from Macon residents who wanted to see the old Pine Grove School remain available for community use, the county commission has decided not to sell the old school building.