Rocky Allen showcase in Macon
Collectors of paintings and drawings by Macon County resident/artist Ernest “Rocky” Harvey Allen, Jr. will be exhibiting their “Rocky” pieces at the Macon County Public Library in Franklin during the month of March.
Library employees are a dedicated lot
When I worked at our Macon County library, I saw its many uses. Library workers are a special breed that come in many stripes but what unites them is that they all consider the provision of knowledge and research materials to be an over-arching goal.
Overdue: library board takes on late fees
The Macon County Library Board has signed an overture in opposition to the Fontana Regional Library System going fine-free, a topic that came up most recently during a November meeting of the Fontana Regional Library Board but may not be raised again.
Want to learn contra dancing?
There will be a contra dance class offered from 6:30-9 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2, at the Macon County Public Library in Franklin.
Join Franklin Bird Club for Macon County walks
The Franklin Bird Club leads walks along the greenway on Wednesday mornings at 8 a.m. Walks start at alternating locations: Macon County Public Library, Big Bear Park and Salali Lane.
Want to learn contra dancing?
There will be a contra dance class offered from 6:30-9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, at the Macon County Public Library in Franklin.
Contra dance is considered the most accessible and sociable of all dances, with participants moving in two long facing lines or in groups, and with frequent partner changes. With its roots in the British Isles and France, contra dance has become a traditional American dance form.
Interested in forest valuation?
Alexandra Lewis, a USDA Forester in the Nantahala Ranger District will offer a presentation to shed light on valuation of forests. The presentation will touch on how a forest is valued relative to quality of life and flora sustainability.
Macon Library art display, fundraiser
There will be a special showcase of the Grace Johnson art collection and a fundraiser reception for the Friends of the Library from 4-6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16, at the Macon County Public Library in Franklin.
Want to learn contra dancing?
There will be a contra dance class offered from 6:30-9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 3, at the Macon County Public Library in Franklin.
Franklin community art gathering
The ArtFest community event will be held from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 10, at the Macon County Public Library in Franklin.