Letters to the Editor

We need to stop wasteful spending

To the Editor:

“The Convention of States” movement, in a race against time, strongly urges the N.C. Senate to pass a bill calling for the convening of a Convention of States as authorized under Article V of the Constitution.

This resolution aims to rein in our out-of-control government. One proposed Amendment under this resolution seeks to curb the government’s wasteful and often unconstitutional spending, which is increasing our $34 trillion national debt at a staggering rate of $833 million every hour. Moreover, the U.S. is burdened with over $2 billion in daily interest expenses on that debt.

This exorbitant daily expenditure is not just a number. It’s resulting in increased government borrowing, the printing of money and increased taxes, directly affecting every American citizen’s standard of living. Moreover, billions of our tax dollars are being sent to foreign countries that are committed adversaries, further exacerbating the situation. These countries are using this money to fund terrorist activities against us.

 Case in point, since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, although the State Department stated that no U.S. funds were going to the Taliban militant group, a new federal report indicates that millions of taxpayer money is indeed ending up in the Taliban-controlled central bank of Afghanistan.

 We are calling upon our state senators to pass HJR 235 this session to end these wasteful and inappropriate expenditures. We call upon N.C.’s citizens to recognize their power and responsibility. Contact your senator today and urge him/her to do all they can to make this happen. Your voice can make a difference.”

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L.E. Cossette


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