Ghost Town’s obituary is written

To the Editor:
Frankie Wood conned Alaska Presley into believing he could bring Ghost Town back and was able to get her financial backing. He also conned the Maggie Valley aldermen into re-zoning several properties so he could develop RV parks and small cottages to house over 200 Ghost Town workers. To date, no development has happened?
Since the passing of Alaska Presley, her heir, Jill McClure, has been stuck with sharing profits/losses with Wood (actually no profits). He has refused to share any financial data with Jill McClure. What is he hiding? Ms. McClure has filed a lawsuit against Wood.
Recently, Corky Hendrick, the Ghost Town Facebook administrator, has come forth with additional information saying the revival was never Frankie’s true intention. She said she asked Wood why he needed RV Parks to open Ghost Town. His reply was “if he could get the town to change the zoning laws then he could also build condos and cottages he wanted on Ghost Town.” She no longer believes he wants to bring back Ghost Town. She then posted a letter to that effect on the Ghost Town Facebook account and immediately received a threatening email from Wood’s attorney saying she would be prosecuted if she did not immediately remove the post because she was not authorized to make such posts. After she investigated, she learned Wood never bought rights to the Facebook account from the developer (6-Gun Territory). Now the developer gave her permission to post to their Facebook account.
Wood’s scheme is slowly unraveling and in due time will prove this was just another one of his scams. The Mountaineer has written numerous articles on Wood’s background showing he has had many previous schemes that never materialized.
Obviously Wood follows P.T. Barnum’s philosophy that a sucker is born every minute. It seems all the articles and people’s complaints have fallen on deaf ears. I agree that that Ghost Town is dead! May it rest in peace. The aldermen have been conned. As Corky said,Wood should be run out of town on a rail.
Ron Rookstool
Maggie Valley