Sponsored: "A Chicken in Every Pot"

The phrase, 'A chicken in every pot' has been associated with food security for almost a hundred years, and perhaps even longer. Possibly because poultry are inexpensive to raise and grows quickly.
Chicken vocabulary
Broilers - chickens raised for food
Laying hens - chicken raised to produce eggs
Top broiler chicken producing states:
Georgia, Arkansas, Alabama, North Carolina and Mississippi
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How much chicken do we eat?
In the U.S. we consume 93.5 lbs per capita. Thanks to the cost and the number of quick serve restaurants that feature chicken, it is the number one consumed protein in the U.S.
Nutrition and versatility:
Chicken is a versatile and nutritious form of protein and can be baked, broiled, roasted or fried.
4 oz of chicken breast has 197 calories, 4 grams of fat and 35 grams of protein.
For recipe ideas and more information on chicken:
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian