Sponsored: Year of the Pig

According to the Chinese horoscope calendar, 2019 is the “Year of the Pig.” The pig represents “…wealth and generosity” (Source: https://chinesenewyear2019.org/horoscope/).
That’s about as far as I’m going to go with the whole horoscope thing and instead I’ll focus on just the pig and the pork.
North Carolina one of the top states in the U.S. for raising hogs and they represent an important agricultural commodity for farmers and a resource for companies that supply pork products to supermarkets, schools, food service, and restaurants. Many of these farms are in Eastern NC, near agricultural areas that grow some of the crops used to feed hogs. (Source: https://www.ncpork.org/truth-hog-farms-eastern-north-carolina/). Do you know any hog farmers? Have you been to a hog farm? I have! For information on pigs and hog farming in North Carolina see NC Pork https://www.ncpork.org/ and Feed the Dialogue https://feedthedialoguenc.com/
Leah McGrath, RDN, LDN
Ingles Markets Corporate Dietitian
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