2024 A Look Back: Trailblazer award
By the end of the 1900s, groups of marginalized Americans like women, Blacks, Hispanics and others had made great strides in their respective liberation movements after centuries of subjugation, leaving some to wonder if we’d ever again witness the bravery and sacrifice required when the oppressed refuse to be treated as second-class citizens any longer.
Pride is not a virtue
To the Editor:
I have no hatred towards anyone who chooses a different lifestyle than me. The vast majority of Americans do not care about an individual's sexual preference or what books they read.
Religious tolerance should be celebrated
To the Editor:
“In the beginning God created ….” Do you recognize those famous words? Many people do. They are the first five words of the King James Bible. Sacred to many.
2023 A Look Back: Persistence as Resistance Award
This year was filled with slights and attacks on the LGBTQ+ community by local elected officials. But despite the environment, Sylva Pride and Sylva Belles Drag have continued to do their work of celebrating, uplifting and bringing together the LGBTQ+ community.
There is room at the table for all
To the Editor:
Congratulations to the Smoky Mountain News and Cory Vaillancourt!