Peace Conference returns to Lake Junaluska
Learn to build bridges of peace, share strategies for peace and be a peacemaker at the upcoming SEJ Peace Conference set for April 4-6 at Lake Junaluska.
Into 2025 with a few ancient principles
Even though we’re already a couple weeks into 2025, I’m still feeling the heightened energy that surrounds a New Year.
My parents were teachers and both worked second jobs. Dad was a night manager at the Roses in Asheville and Mom spent evenings organizing and sorting Avon inventory, and this was in addition to our practices and other activities.
Be prepared to wait before we have a president
So here we are, days away from this pivotal election, and here’s a word of advice: take a deep breath, relax, and let the system play out as it’s intended, because we won’t know who our next president is until days after Nov. 5.
A book of peace in hard times
Given the harrowing natural disasters in the South, I thought a good book to review this month would be one that might serve as a source of solace and peace to those who are currently struggling with these catastrophes.
Reflections in an election year
To the Editor:
Beginning a new year during a cold winter, and an election year, I find myself soulful and introspective.
Israel not helping its cause
To the Editor:
Why are Israeli warlords bombing children’s hospitals and killing hundreds of children and babies?
Advice from a 13th-century philosopher about idols
I never pretend to be an expert on current events. In fact, I mostly avoid the news because so much of it is doom and gloom or the same old political rhetoric.
Peace Pole Dedicated at the Pigeon Center
Waynesville’s Pigeon Community Multicultural Development Center celebrated the International Day of Peace last week by installing a peace pole.
What’s peace got to do with it?
By Marsha Lee Baker • Guest Columnist
Somewhere, sometime, and in some way, each of us thinks about peace. We might not call it “peace,” but we think about it. We wonder where or what peace is with questions like “Why can’t we get along?” and “What is wrong with this family?” We sense peace each time we say, “What a wonderful time together!” and “I’ve never felt so whole in my life!”
My mission: outer order, inner calm
My name is Susanna and I am terribly unorganized.
I’m not a messy person or a hoarder, just disorganized. My desk is a mess of papers and sticky notes. I always have a million tabs open on my laptop. My closets and cabinets and pantry are full of stuff with no thought to rhyme or reason. I have to dig in my purse for three minutes to find lip balm. My shoes are thrown into the bottom of my closet so it takes inordinate amounts of time to find a matching pair.