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Ghost Town withdraws loan request

By Becky Johnson & Julia Merchant

A surprising turn of events caused the Maggie Valley town board to call off its vote on whether to loan the struggling Ghost Town in the Sky amusement park $200,000.

Moments before aldermen were to cast their votes at a special called meeting Monday (May 18) — and after it became apparent the request was going to be turned down — Ghost Town President Steve Shiver stood up and told the board he didn’t need the town’s money. Shiver said a private business owner in the room, who did not want to be named, had stepped up with an offer of financial aid to help get the park open.

The board then rescinded its motion to vote on the matter.

Prior to Shiver’s announcement, the board had held an hour-long public comment session and was prepared to vote. After the public comment session, each board member stated their position.

Mayor Roger McElroy said he supported loaning the park the money. Alderman Colin Edwards in a last-minute decision asked to be recused from the vote. Alderwoman Saralyn Price said she was not willing to risk taxpayer money to provide the loan, a stance that aldermen Mark DeMeola and Phil Aldridge agreed with.

It became obvious that the loan would not be approved as the majority of the board members stated their positions against it.

Shiver would not speak to The Smoky Mountain News after the meeting. According to previous statements to this newspaper and other media, Ghost Town is still scheduled to open Friday, May 22, just in time for the Memorial Day weekend.


Public weighs in

The question of whether to loan Ghost Town $200,000 in taxpayer money proved to be a heated issue for residents and business owners in the town.

Two packed public hearings and dozens of written comments submitted to the town preceded the would-be vote.

Those who were against the loan fear Ghost Town will go under and the taxpayers will lose what they put in.

“It is throwing good money after bad,” said Roger Ferguson, who owns a mobile home park in Maggie Valley. “They owe everybody in the county. How do they expect to pay back Maggie Valley?”

Those in favor of the loan claim that Maggie Valley’s tourism economy hinges on Ghost Town’s success.

“Ghost Town has marketed Maggie Valley for years upon years,” said Joanne Martin, a local restaurant owner. “If we lose Ghost Town, what is Maggie Valley’s brand?”

The controversy has pitted the town’s business operators in the tourism trade against average residents, according to those on both sides.

“Please remember your obligation is not just to the businesses in Maggie, but also to its residents,” town resident Candace Way implored to aldermen Monday night.

Business owner Brenda O’Keefe said the “we” and “them” way of thinking isn’t new to Maggie Valley.

“I hope this will not happen over (the loan),” O’Keefe said. “I don’t want it to be the business people versus the local people.”

Shiver had said the amusement park would open its gates for the season regardless of how the town voted.

“We aren’t here to fold up our tent and walk out if we don’t get a loan from Maggie Valley,” Shiver told the town aldermen, acknowledging their difficult position. “We are committed, and we are not going anywhere.”

While Ghost Town billed its request as a loan, several speakers at the public hearing expressed reservations about the park’s ability to repay it.

“This it is a risky move and we shouldn’t be involved in this,” said Jim Casey, a town resident and voter.

Ron DeSimone, who lives in Brannon Forest, questioned the town’s ability to thoroughly evaluate Ghost Town’s business plan and finances to know whether the loan would have been on solid footing.

The town asked Shiver more than once to provide a business plan showing how the loan could be repaid. But the town was told such a business plan isn’t ready yet, Maggie Valley Town Manager Tim Barth said. Ghost Town has to file a reorganization plan with the bankruptcy court later this summer, but until then, Shiver said the park won’t share it, Barth said.

The information Ghost Town has provided are one-page profit-and-loss summaries from 2007 and 2008.

“We asked for detailed information on revenues and expenditures, and that’s what they sent us,” said Barth. “They haven’t really volunteered anything. We had to ask for what we have received.”

Several speakers at the public comment session said the town should not be in the banking business, especially since Ghost Town has been turned down for a loan from financial institutions.

“Why should a local government lend money to a company that has filed banckruptcy?” asked Phyllis McClure, a property owner in Maggie Valley. “Elected and appointed officials are entrusted to be good stewards of public funds. Those funds should be handled more carefully than our personal funds. They are not ours to give away.”

“Your plan to invest tax money in a high-risk venture that most normal banks won’t touch seems to be a little iffy to me,” said resident Jack Ryan.


Tourism driver

Shiver said it is not uncommon for towns and counties to support economic development, whether it is through a revolving loan fund or outright grants to lure industry. In Maggie Valley, where tourism reigns, Ghost Town is proper investment for town tax dollars, he said.

“There is no denying that tourism and vacation home sales are driving your economy,” Shiver said. “There are many hoteliers in the audience and lodging partners that are here that truly depend on that.”

Maggie has a history of investing in its tourism economy, Shiver said, pointing out the town’s purchase in 2002 of the festival grounds. The town has spent more than $500,000 on the purchase, adding amenities and maintenance over the years.

Business owners say Maggie Valley’s tourism economy will wither up without Ghost Town.

“We gotta have it,” said Becky Ramey, owner of Smackers restaurant. “We’ll have a Ghost Town either way — either Ghost Town will open up, or if it doesn’t, Maggie Valley will be a Ghost Town.”

Dave Blankenship, owner of Alamo Motel and Cottages, said his business went up 30 percent in 2007 when Ghost Town reopened after a five-year hiatus.

“If Ghost Town closes, we would risk losing a lot more than ($200,000) for a long time to come,” said Tammy White, owner of the Clarkton Motel. White pointed out that the theme park draws in 130,000 visitors a year who then stay in the hotels and motels in the area. The local lodging facilities would have a hard time pulling in those numbers on their own.


Not on my dime

If Ghost Town is so important to the businesses in the Valley, let them put up the money, some speakers suggested.

“Maybe these businesses could form an alliance and lend the money to Ghost Town,” McClure said. McClure said residential property owners won’t see a direct benefit, yet will shoulder an increased tax burden if the loan isn’t paid back.

Dave Blankenship at the Alamo Motel argued that the money split among the town’s taxpayers doesn’t amount to much. The town has 1,600 individual taxpayers on its rolls. The loan is equivalent to just $125 a person.

“That ain’t nothing. You spend that going out to a good dinner somewhere,” Blankenship said.

Speakers in the “no” camp said the town would be better served to spend its economic development dollars elsewhere.

“If the town wants to increase the climate for business, there are certainly other things you can do that would be much more effective and less risky. I think this is very risky,” said DeSimone.

Roger Ferguson agreed the money could be put to a better use.

“If you have $200,000, put it in a trust fund for the kids of the Valley so they can go to college and don’t have to scratch and claw like a lot of us do,” Ferguson said. “Set up a scholarship fund so those who have the desire can get beyond what we have here.”


Support from within

Employees of Ghost Town joined business owners in speaking up for the loan.

“This is how I feed my family. I think we deserve a chance to prove ourselves,” said Michael Howard, the maintenance manager at the theme park. “You won’t find a group of harder working people in the county. I work my heart out at it every week.”

Howard said the park is on the right road and can pull through.

“We’ve gone through lows and we’ve gone through highs,” said Howard. “We are making strides in any and every way we can to support our community.”

Randy Bryant, an employee of Ghost Town, said he believes in Ghost Town so much he put $250,000 into the park since it filed bankruptcy.

“I took my hard-earned money, my retirement money, and invested it in Ghost Town because I love Maggie Valley,” Bryant said. “I put my money into that park to get it open this year so we can try to get everybody that’s owed that money you are talking about paid back. Without it being open, there is no way those people can ever get paid back.”

A gunfighter at Ghost Town who goes by Preacher said the theme park is a labor of love for many employees.

“There is a great number of us up there who aren’t on the clock,” Preacher said of the push to get the park ready for opening day.

Many local people have invested personal money in Ghost Town. Among them are Austin Pendley of Maggie Mountaineer Crafts, Brenda O’Keefe of Joey’s Pancake House, and Alaska Pressley, according to Shiver.

Verlin Edwards, a speaker in the “no” camp, said the investors should pony up the money themselves.

“I know they can dig a little deeper and come up with their $200,000,” Edwards said.

Shiver has said previously, however, that the investors are tapped out. They have already poured their savings and assets into the park to get it this far.

In the first two weeks after filing bankruptcy, Shiver paid $23,000 to a company he owns, Global Management Services, according to bankruptcy filings. That’s in addition to a salary of $1,600 that went straight to Shiver.

Ghost Town has to file quarterly financial reports with the bankruptcy court. The first quarter filing only contained financial transactions for a two-week period from when the company filed for bankruptcy in mid-March to the end of that month.


Going through the process

The town held two public hearings on the Ghost Town loan, although not by design. The town initially announced it would hold a public hearing on Thursday, May 14. The town had to run a legal notice in the newspaper at least two weeks before a public hearing, per state law.

There was a glitch in the notice being printed in The Mountaineer, forcing the town to push back the date of the “official” public hearing until Monday, May 18. Since May 14 had already been widely circulated among town residents as the date of the hearing, however, the town kept it on the calendar as well — thus the two public hearings.

The first public hearing drew a crowd of about 75, while the second public hearing drew a slightly smaller crowd.


Why the need for a loan?

Ghost Town filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in mid-March. It has a mortgage of $9.5 million and outstanding bills of $2.5 million. Many locals are among the 200 companies owed money, including electricians, building supply stores, marketing outlets and suppliers of T-shirts and souvenirs.

The iconic park is deeply engrained in the collective memory of Haywood County, both as an economic driver since its debut in the 1960s and a family past-time holding fond memories through the generations.

But when new owners bought the aging park in 2007 from its long-time owner and founder, they inherited a crumbling and jerry-rigged infrastructure. It required far more of a capital investment than they bargained for. Coupled with the economic downturn and credit crunch, the park was forced into bankruptcy, according to Ghost Town CEO Steve Shiver.


Maggie flush with extra cash?

Ghost Town CEO Steve Shiver argued that town has the money readily available for a loan, pointing to its substantial fund balance. Shiver said the town has plenty to spare without affecting residents’ property tax rate.

The fund balance, equivalent to the town’s savings account, is 51 percent of its general budget. Maggie Valley’s fund balance is actually below the state average of 64 percent for towns of its size.

“I am not saying our fund balance is in bad shape, but it is not where the average town is at,” Town Manager Tim Barth said. “Over time, I think we need to work toward getting our fund balance up so we are much closer to the average.”

Shiver said Maggie has far more than the 8 percent fund balance required of local governments by the state. But Barth explained that the 8 percent minimum fund balance is geared toward larger governments.

“If you have a $100 million budget, 8 percent of that is $8 million,” Barth said. But for Maggie, with a general budget of $2.5 million, reserves of 8 percent would be a mere $200,000.

The fund balance is the town’s fall back for emergencies, should a storm wreak havoc, a road collapse or sewer line explode. Any government needs a certain amount of cash on hand to cover such contingencies. The smaller the town, the larger those savings will appear as a percentage of its overall budget.

The state average for towns with a population between 500 and 1,000 is a fund balance of 86 percent, and 112 percent for towns under 500.

“There’s a reason that it is that way,” Barth said. “The Local Government Commission would not wait until we got to 8 percent until they sent letter and made phone calls and said, ‘What are you doing?’”

Ghost Town owes Maggie Valley $30,000 in back property taxes.

Ghost Town seeks ride inspections

A team of state inspectors will arrive at Ghost Town in the Sky amusement park on Monday, May 18, in hopes of getting the rides and chairlift certified for the anticipated opening day of May 22.

Ghost Town barely made the cut-off for requesting an inspection in time to open, and will leave the state inspectors pushed to get it done time.

“To be honest it is going to be a really tough week for us,” said Jonathan Brooks, chief of the N.C. Elevator & Amusement Device Bureau.

Brooks will dedicate a team of five or six inspectors to Ghost Town for the week. The chairlift will be most time consuming, with inspectors physically assessing all 105 chairs, the structural integrity of the support towers and the mechanical functions that run the chair lift. They will also witness the evacuation procedure. The 10 rides on top of the mountain will take less time.

“Barring that we don’t have any unforeseen issues, I feel fairly comfortable with our guys on those rides for a week, the chances are pretty good,” Brooks said of getting the inspections done in time.

Ghost Town has also requested a ride inspection of the roller coaster, which has been out of operation while being rebuilt. The coaster inspection is far more involved.

“It will be a tough, tough haul to get the coaster done. I professionally don’t see it happening by opening day,” Brooks said. It could be done by the following weekend, however, if all goes well and nothing needs fixing or altering.

Some steps in the chairlift and coaster inspection have already been checked off. The chairlift cable has already been certified, as well as aspects of the roller coaster car, including the lap restraint system. The train car is still at the manufacturers in Tennessee, where testing was being conducted, but should arrive at the park by week’s end, Brooks said. Some portions of the track inspection have been completed by a private ride engineer and is supposed to be in the mail to Brooks.

Maggie Valley aldermen will hold a public hearing at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 14, on whether to loan Ghost Town $200,000. The amusement park is currently in Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Ghost Town files financial statements with bankruptcy court

Ghost Town in the Sky owners paid themselves nearly $25,000 over two weeks in March despite the company being in bankruptcy.

The Maggie Valley amusement park filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in mid-March with the aim of reorganizing, opening the park and gradually paying off debts. Ghost Town has a $2.5 million trail of unpaid bills owed to more than 200 companies. Dozens of local businesses are among those owed money. The company also owes around $9.5 million in mortgages.

As part of the bankruptcy process, Ghost Town is required to file a detailed picture of their finances with the bankruptcy court every quarter, showing all revenue and expenses. The filing for the first quarter of this year only contained two weeks, from when Ghost Town filed bankruptcy in mid-March to the end of that same month.

The filings show nearly $25,000 was paid to Ghost Town CEO Steve Shiver and a company that Shiver is president of, Global Management Services. Shiver personally got $1,657 as a salary, while $23,000 was paid to his company. Shiver’s company is billed as a professional services company and dates to Shiver’s former life in the Miami area.

While Ghost Town had launched a campaign to sell advance tickets to the theme park, sales netted only $1,659 for the reporting period, according to the filing.

So far a hunt for a cash infusion to help the park get on its feet has not been successful. Ghost Town has been unable to get traditional bank loans, or strike a deal with last-resort lenders. Appeals to the county economic development and tourism entities have not been fruitful either.

Ghost Town has asked the town of Maggie Valley to provide a loan of $200,000. Town leaders are holding a public hearing on the issue at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 14. The town began accepting written comments on the issue via email last week to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Shiver has rented out the Maggie Valley pavilion from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 12, for a public event presumably intended to rally support for the amusement park’s request. He is also going door to door soliciting public support.Shiver did not return calls seeking comment for this article.

Ghost Town and alderman at loggerheads

Ghost Town CEO Steve Shiver threatened to sue Maggie Valley Alderman Colin Edwards during a town meeting this week.

Edwards attempted to speak out against Shiver’s request for a $200,000 loan from the town. But Shiver objected and refused to let Edwards finish speaking.

“I raise my objections,” Shiver said, cutting Edwards off. “Gentlemen, lady, I mean no disrespect but there are serious issues of conflict we have raised through our attorneys. I think in the next few weeks you will see some legal action.”

Edwards is part owner of Caroline-A-Contracting company, which built a retaining wall at Ghost Town. Edwards’ company filed a lien against Ghost Town after it failed to pay its full bill. Ghost Town in turn contested the claim, saying the retaining wall cracked. Edwards said the crack is due to a leaking water line in the hillside. Shiver claims it’s due to faulty work.

Shiver asked the town to bar Edwards from voting on the loan and from participating in any discussion on Ghost Town. However, while Edwards and Shiver may not get along, Edwards does not meet the litmus test for a financial conflict of interest that would bar him from voting. The only reason Edwards could be legally barred from voting is if he stands to gain financially from his vote, which he doesn’t, according to state statutes and Town Attorney Chuck Dickson.

Shiver claims that Edwards cannot render an impartial vote on anything pertaining to Ghost Town, however, and if he does so, Ghost Town will be denied its right to equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution.

Edwards said he intends to vote, however, and will vote “no” to the loan.

“They are just bullying, and I don’t bully real good at all,” Edwards said. “I am an elected official for Maggie Valley. I will vote and they can charge me if they want.”

Before Shiver cut Edwards off at the meeting, Edwards questioned the validity of Shiver’s claims that the park’s roller coaster was on track to pass inspections and open for the season. Edwards said he called the state’s chief amusement ride inspector before the meeting and learned that Ghost Town has not yet requested an official inspection.

Shiver said he would “not tolerate nor allow phone calls” by Edwards to the state amusement ride division. Shiver suggested Edwards was trying to sabotage Ghost Town by calling the state.

The Smoky Mountain News had called the same state ride inspector earlier in the day and was given the same information as Edwards — that Ghost Town has not yet made a formal request for ride inspections, for either the chairlift or the roller coaster. The information is public record and can be requested by anyone.

That said, there have been lots of verbal communication, emails and progress updates on the rides, according to Jonathan Brooks, Elevator & Amusement Device Bureau Chief with the state.

“I know they are working very diligently to put something together for us to come up and start inspecting. I know they are making headway,” Brooks said. There is still a big checklist for the roller coaster before it’s ready, however, Brooks said.

Entertainment options abound in Maggie Valley

Maggie Valley has a year-round of population of only 607, and its main drag contains dozens of 1960s-era mom and pop hotels, a Wild West theme park, and shops selling fudge and moonshine jelly. All these business, however, share space with chart-topping musicians and world champion dancers.

Maggie Valley may be small, but the diversity of entertainment to be found here rivals that of a much larger city.


Clogging’s premier title

Twice a year, some of the fastest feet on the planet descend on Maggie Valley to compete in the World Clogging Championships. This is the number one event in the sport of clogging, a form of dance brought to Appalachia by Scots-Irish settlers. Cloggers from all over the country come to tap, shuffle and step their way to the national title.

The Clogging Championships are held at the Stomping Grounds, a barn-style venue that doubles as a sort of museum for the sport. Over the course of three nights the first weekend in May (1-3), elaborately costumed dancers from ages 2 to 82 compete in teams of up to 40 in front of a panel of judges. At times, it can be tense — after all, the winner gets to perform on the biggest stage of all at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tenn.

“It’s a lot of mental anticipation and excitement,” says Kyle Edwards, owner of the Stomping Grounds and a clogger himself. “You never know what’s coming up next.”

Clogging at this level is extremely technical, and footwork is key. During one part of the competition, judges don’t even look at the dancers — they turn their backs to listen for the precision and quickness of foot taps. At this point, costumes matter little; dancers better have the skills to impress.

The Clogging competition takes place May 1-3. Tickets are just $10 for adults, $6 for kids. The Stomping Ground is also open from 8 to 11 p.m. on Saturdays from May to October for live country and bluegrass music.


Chart-topping bluegrass

There’s more fun to be found just down the street at the Maggie Valley Opry House. Throw open the doors to this old warehouse, and you’ll see two gold records tacked to the wall. This is the home of Raymond Fairchild, the only banjo picker ever whose instrumental track sold a million records.

Fairchild, a Maggie Valley native, has played with Johnny Cash, Earl Scruggs, Doc Watson and countless other recognizable names. He performed at the Grand Ole Opry for years. Now he can be found seven nights a week, May through October, at a much smaller, simpler Opry in his hometown, joined by his backup band.

Fairchild built the Opry 22 years ago in an effort to preserve the bluegrass genre with which he’s made his name.

“I just wanted to keep mountain music alive,” Fairchild says.

Seeing Fairchild perform is an intimate experience. The venue is small and informal, with folding chairs for seats.

Check out Fairchild’s lightning-fast picking skills seven nights a week starting Memorial Day weekend. Entry is $12, or $15 if he has a bigger band joining him.


Family-friendly fun

Also working to preserve the music of the mountains is Eaglenest, a 900-seat venue built in 2003. Here you’ll find national country, gospel, bluegrass and classic rock acts, many of whom have been chart-toppers at one time.

“We pride ourselves on getting high-quality, family appropriate entertainment in a first-class setting,” says Selina Keller, Eaglenest General Manager.

This season, Eaglenest will welcome the Bellamy Brothers and Gene Watson. The venue consistently offers some of the largest acts to be found in Western North Carolina.

“We really want to put Maggie on the map,” Keller says. “I don’t know of any other venue in the area that offers this entertainment on a consistent basis.”

Eaglenest is aiming to keep its ticket prices affordable, so guests can have a good time even in a down economy.

Eaglenest also holds performances on its outdoor stage, which seats 3,500. Guests can bring a blanket or lawn chair, kick back, and enjoy the temperate mountain nights.

For a schedule and ticket information, visit www.eaglesnest.com.


Country hoedown

Want to get your feet moving? Head on down to Maggie Valley’s Diamond K Dance Ranch for some line dancing action to the tune of the Deep South Band.

Band member and guitar player Terry Rogers opened up the Dance Ranch after years of touring all over the country.

“All of us were pickers, and we wanted to settle down,” Rogers says.

The band plays top 40 and classic country tunes every Saturday night from May to October. It’s the only all-country venue in Maggie Valley.

Make sure to wear leather bottom boots for a spin on the maple hardwood dance floor. Need some practice? Line dance lessons are offered at 7 p.m., an hour before the band gets on. The whole thing wraps up at midnight. Admission is $8, and that includes the lesson.

Starting in mid-May, the Dance Ranch offers free bluegrass music from a variety of local bands every Friday night from 7 to 9 p.m. For more information, visit www.diamondkdanceranch.com.


The classics come to life

For something a bit different, check out the Carolina Nights musical dinner theater. The venue opens its evening with a well-rounded meal served cafeteria style by servers who later appear on stage as the show’s performers.

As the theater’s U.S.O. themed show “Sound Off,” opens, performers salute those who historically have helped entertain the troops. Singers and dancers sporting zoot suits bring the music of the 1940s to life with rousing versions of, “Boogey Woogey Bugle Boy,” “Something’s Gotta Give,” and “Clang Clang Went the Trolley.”

At another point in the show, a Betty Boop look-alike takes the stage to sing, “I Wanna be Loved by You,” and later, a Marilyn Monroe performer breathily sings, “Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend.”

Dinner theater shows begin at 6:15 p.m. and are held most Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights with additional shows on occasion. A full schedule is available online at wwwmaggievalleyusa.com and reservations may be made by calling 828.926.8822.

Maggie to hold public hearing on Ghost Town loan

Officials at Ghost Town in the Sky continued to pressure Maggie Valley leaders this week to pony up a $200,000 loan to help the beleaguered theme park get up and running.

In a special meeting Monday (April 27), Ghost Town CEO Steve Shiver said the loan could make or break whether Ghost Town reopens this summer.

“We are in a tedious and precarious time. We wouldn’t be here unless we were at the end of our rope,” Shiver said. “My whole livelihood is at stake and my whole future is at stake.”

Town aldermen expressed reservations about putting taxpayer money on the line. While hotel, restaurant and gift shop owners in Maggie are lobbying for the loan, aldermen said they also have to consider the average residents not engaged in the tourism business.

“We are looking out for the entire valley — all the taxpayers. Your side is one-sided, our side is broad,” Alderman Mark DeMeola told Shiver. “We have a lot of responsibility. We have more to answer to than just the business community.”

Shiver argued that if the town’s tourist economy goes under, the whole town will suffer. DeMeola said he recognized that, which is why the town was willing to entertain his pleas in the first place.

“You have an undertaking in your hands that a community is teetering on,” DeMeola said. “You deserve our utmost respect and the respect of the entire valley.”

DeMeola suggested holding a vote to gauge public sentiment since it is their money on the line.

“If the voters say ‘Yeah,’ I say ‘Man, go ahead and do it,’” DeMeola said.

Shiver questioned the wisdom of a town-wide vote, however. Voters are not an accurate reflection of the town’s taxpayers, he said. Many of the hotel and restaurant owners pay taxes but don’t technically live in the town limits and therefore couldn’t vote, Shiver said.

Alderwoman Saralyn Price suggested holding a public hearing instead so everyone could weigh in, whether they are a voter, town taxpayer or none of the above.

“I represent the people and I want to see what they think,” Price said.

Town Manager Tim Barth said a public hearing was in order anyway if town leaders intend to consider the loan request. State statutes require the town to hold a public hearing before granting an economic development loan to a private enterprise. The earliest one could be held is in two weeks.

Shiver said the park could use the money much sooner, as they need money to get open by May 22.

Alderman Phil Aldridge said the “eleventh hour” request has given town leaders little time for due diligence.

“Everything I’ve ever done in life, I have pros and cons and I write them down,” Aldridge said.

The town’s attorney, Chuck Dickson, recommended getting detailed financial statements and a business plan from Shiver before moving forward.

“If I were lending money to someone I would want to act like a bank and want as much financial information as possible, extremely detailed, every single thing I could find out about the ability of the borrower to repay,” Dickson said.

DeMeola agreed.

“It may not be a service to you speed-wise to do this, but we need ample time for the town to have everything detailed,” DeMeola told Shiver.

Shiver said a business plan for pulling through bankruptcy is in the works and could be shared with the board. Shiver said Ghost Town’s owners and investors have pumped millions in personal assets into the park already.

“I don’t have any more money to put up,” Shiver said.

Shiver couldn’t say whether the park would pull through bankruptcy even if it did land a loan from the town.

“I am not speculating,” Shiver said in an interview following the meeting.

Shiver said the park is moving toward opening day. Ghost Town in the Sky held a job fair over the weekend, attracting hundreds looking for seasonal work. Shiver said tickets are selling online and advertising is under way.


Where they stand

Mayor Roger McElroy was the only alderman to say he wholeheartedly supports the loan, pledging he would vote for it.

“There are too many motels and business people that really can’t make it without Ghost Town,” said McElroy. “When Ghost Town was down before we couldn’t buy new sheets or new towels. We had to scrimp by.”

The same goes for other tourism-dependent businesses, McElroy said.

Ghost Town was closed from 2002 through 2006. The park’s original owner — who ran the park for 40 years — shut it down, partly due to old age and partly due to crumbling infrastructure and failing rides that required a major capital investment to restore. The park sat dormant five seasons until the current owners came along and reopened it in 2007.

Meanwhile, Alderman Colin Edwards was the only one to say he was wholeheartedly against the loan.

“I want Ghost Town to succeed, don’t get me wrong. But I don’t want to lose $200,000 of the taxpayers’ money and have to go up on property taxes,” Edwards said in an interview after the meeting. “I want some security they will pay this back and they cannot give us that security.”

The loan is equivalent to 6 cents on the town property tax rate for one year (see info box).

Price, DeMeola and Aldridge were neutral in their comments, postponing judgment until hearing from the public.

If the town did agree to a loan, strings would be attached, they said. Town aldermen want to ensure the money would only be spent on operations, like making payroll for hourly workers, DeMeola said. Shiver countered that some workers are salaried, pointing to his human resources director who happened to be sitting in the audience.


Getting paid back

Ghost Town was forced into Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March after being unable to keep up with payments on its $9.5 million in mortgage on the property. Bankruptcy filings revealed another $2.5 million in unpaid bills to small companies, from souvenir purveyors to contractors to ride engineers.

Town leaders wanted to know how they would be paid back should the park go under.

Shiver said the town would be in line behind a $9.5 million mortgage on the property, but in front of everyone else owed money. Ultimately, however, the bankruptcy judge would decide where Maggie ranks in line. There are a few debts in addition to the mortgage that would most likely rank ahead of Maggie, such as back property and sales taxes and bankruptcy attorney fees. Other lenders being courted to put up money are also being promised they will be first in line behind the $9.5 million mortgage.

“I am out every day trying to get additional financing,” Shiver said.

Shiver said the assets of the land, rides and buildings are worth well over $9.5 million, but if the park was liquidated through the bankruptcy process there’s no guarantee it would fetch enough to pay everyone back. Edwards said all they have is Shiver’s word.

“They ain’t got no payment plan to pay us back. We’ve not seen nothing in writing,” Edwards said.


Want to weigh in?

Maggie Valley leaders will hold a public hearing at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 14, on whether to give Ghost Town in the Sky a loan of $200,000.

Those who want to submit comments but don’t want to speak at the hearing can submit them in written format at any time. Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with “Ghost Town” in the subject line, or mail to Vickie Best, 3987 Soco Road, Maggie Valley, NC 28751.

Ghost Town didn’t withhold sales tax

Among Ghost Town’s debts is $136,000 in back sales taxes owed to the state of North Carolina. It was previously reported that Ghost Town failed to remit sales tax to the state collected as part of ticket sales. Ghost Town nor the N.C. Department of Revenue would elaborate on the source of the back sales tax.

However, it was learned in bankruptcy court last week that the sales tax owed is actually from the purchase of large piece of equipment by Ghost Town. Ghost Town is at odds with the state over whether it actually owes the tax, and thus is why it hasn’t paid up. Ghost Town claims the tax should be paid by the company it bought the equipment from, not by Ghost Town.

Ghost Town appears in bankruptcy court

Ghost Town in the Sky revealed last week that it was driven into bankruptcy by the threat of foreclosure from BB&T, which holds outstanding debt on the property to the tune of $9.5 million.

In a bankruptcy hearing in federal court April 15, CEO Steve Shiver said the theme park has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy with the intention of returning to solvency. To do so, however, the Maggie Valley theme park must pull off a summer opening, Shiver said.

If the park is unable to open, more than 200 small businesses and companies would likely be left holding the bag on around $2.5 million in unpaid bills racked up by Ghost Town, including electricians, plumbers, building supply stores, souvenir and soda vendors, newspapers and billboard companies.

“I cannot emphasize enough the need to reopen the park to have the cash flow to pay everybody back,” Shiver told the handful of creditors who showed up for the meeting.

Shiver asserted the park was aiming for a May 22 opening, but offered few specifics on how the cash-strapped theme park would be able to ramp up in time.

If reorganization doesn’t work and BB&T forecloses on the park, it’s doubtful the sale of the Ghost Town would net enough to pay back the long list of businesses owed money, which stand in line behind BB&T’s $9.5 million.

“If BB&T forecloses, nobody gets paid except BB&T,” said David Gray, an Asheville bankruptcy attorney representing Ghost Town.

Shiver said he and the other owners of the park have invested personal money into the park to the tune of $5 million, which they stand to lose as well if Ghost Town doesn’t pull through. The same goes for numerous private investors who have equity shares in the company, Shiver said.

Shiver said financial troubles went back to the large capital investment required after buying the park in late 2006. The park, created in the 1960s, had been sitting dormant for five years. It had to overhaul the dated rides, prop up rundown buildings and bring infrastructure like electrical wiring and water lines up to code.

Beyond these short-term needs, the park needed fresh attractions that would appeal to today’s tourist audience, Shiver said.

To do all this — plus be able to pay its mounting stack of bills — Ghost Town was seeking an $18 million loan last year, Shiver said. When the credit crunch hit last fall, the lender pulled out at the last minute, he said. That left park owners scrambling for another source of money. Shiver said they chased a high-interest loan of last resort known as a “mezzanine loan,” but pulled out when it seemed too risky.

“At the eleventh hour, they wanted an additional payment to be sent overseas with no guarantee and we said ‘No guys, we don’t trust you,’” Shiver said.

When the last-ditch loan fell through, the park was forced to file for reorganization bankruptcy, Shiver said.


Under oath

When creditors had a chance to ask questions of Shiver under oath, Mike Plemmons of Plemmons Plumbing and Heating in Waynesville, questioned a line of credit the park owners set up to funnel up to $500,000 into the operation.

“Will any of that be used to pay the creditors?” asked Plemmons, who is owed nearly $8,000.

Gray explained the line of credit will bypass those owed money and be used to get the park up and running.

“The whole concept is to save the debtor to pay the creditor,” Gray said. “If it operates, it generates money, it pays.”

But an attorney representing the interests of Mountain Energy of Waynesville, which is owed $14,600, questioned whether the park could operate at a profit even if it gets open. When the new owners reopened the park in 2007, it brought in $5.5 million. That year, the park had a positive cash flow, Shiver said. In 2008, however, revenue dropped to $4.4 million, and the park lost money that year, Shiver said.

Mountain Energy’s attorney asked Shiver what the break-even point was. Shiver said that information would be forthcoming when Ghost Town files its reorganization plan, a detailed business plan required by the bankruptcy court mapping out the park’s road to recovery.

“We’ll detail that fully in the plan,” Shiver said.

BB&T holds two notes on the property: a $6.5 million mortgage stemming from the original purchase of the property and a $3 million loan that funded upgrades. The initial mortgage is backed by a USDA Rural Development loan guarantee. If Ghost Town defaults, the guarantee would kick in to cover 70 percent of BB&T’s $6.5 million mortgage, courtesy of federal taxpayers.

Arnold Skelton, president of tourism brochure distributor Mountain Information Center who is owed $2,500, asked Shiver why the loan guarantee didn’t kick in already.

Gray explained that the guarantee would be triggered only as a last resort.

“BB&T has to proceed with legal collection outlets. BB&T has to attempt to collect and come up with a deficiency before the guarantee kicks in,” Gray said.

Shiver thanked the creditors for their cooperation as Ghost Town tries to get back on its feet.

“Thank you all for being there,” Shiver said.

Maggie Valley revs up the action for Thunder in the Smokies

Maggie Valley will roll out the welcome mat next weekend for more than 3,500 motorcycle riders descending on the tiny Smoky Mountain town for the annual Thunder in the Smokies Motorcycle Rally held April 24 through 26.

With hundreds of scenic routes, the Smoky and Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina are incredibly popular with bikers — and Thunder in the Smokies is one of the premier rendezvous of the season. Now in its seventh year, the rally has gained popularity for its diverse crowd and its family-friendly atmosphere.

“People bring their grandkids, their kids, their teenagers,” says Lori Nix, who owns the Handlebar Corral production company with her husband Chris. The company stages the annual rally.

Thunder in the Smokies takes place at the Maggie Valley Festival Grounds and features many of the components found at a traditional bike rally — beer, bands and a bike show, for instance. This year, hard-rocking bass guitarist and South Dakota native Jasmine Cain takes the stage, along with bands Warhorse and Scotty Box. But the lineup of entertainment is much more diverse than your average bike bash. Rally-goers can partake in motorcycle trivia, bike games, and even a drive-in motorcycle movie showing on Friday night at dusk — with attendees voting on their pick from titles like “Easy Rider”, “Ghost Rider”, “The World’s Fastest Indian” and “Evel Knievel: The Last of the Gladiators”.

There’s even a guided ride Saturday morning up to Waterrock Knob on the Blue Ridge Parkway. A pancake breakfast and Gospel church service wraps up the weekend on Sunday morning.

A weekend pass — a steal at $15 — means rally attendees can come and go as they please and allows ample opportunity to explore the many mountain rides in the area. The Blue Ridge Parkway is the closest option, but two famous excursions — the Cherohala Skyway and the twisting, turning Tail of the Dragon — are just 90 minutes away.

Maggie Valley is a convenient jumping off point to scores of mountain destinations, and is a getaway in its own right. Nix laughs as she recounts the shocked looks of patrons who discover there’s no Taco Bell and no McDonald’s — then end up never wanting to leave the mountain oasis.

“It’s a small little town,” Nix says. “It’s one road, and you can’t get lost. Plus, you have a lot of mom and pop restaurants and hotels, so it’s more personal. It’s always nice to know you’re helping pack someone’s 20-room hotel. The owner is often the one who makes your bed and cleans your room, so the service is great.”

The Nixes help to provide the rally with a personal touch. They’re a constant presence and get to know the riders on a first-name basis.

“A lot of times you go to an event, and you have no idea who puts it on,” said Nix. “Chris is the emcee, and he’s always got the mic in his hand.”

More and more bike enthusiasts flock to Thunder in the Smokies each year, most from places like S.C., Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Others come from as far as Pennsylvania, and last year, a father and daughter duo made the trek from Canada. The bikes are diverse, representing every make and model. Their riders are just as varied.

“You’ll have some of the old school bikers that own a bike shop and have built their own bike riding in, then coming in behind them are doctors, lawyers, firemen — you name it,” says Nix. “No matter what you ride or what you do, everyone is welcome.”

The 7th Annual Thunder in the Smokies Motorcycle Rally takes place Friday, April 24, to Sunday, April 26, at the Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, located in the town of Maggie Valley in Western North Carolina. Gates open at 11 a.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. For a lineup of events and directions, visit www.thunderinthesmokys.com.

Multi-family unit OK’d by judge, but court rules against proposed expansion

The neighborhood covenants of a Maggie Valley homeowners association were put to the test in court recently.

A developer sued the Sherwood Forest homeowners association after they tried to block his foray into rental condos. David G. Baker, formerly of Charlotte, wanted to develop a six-unit condo and extend town water and sewer to the property. The only problem — the covenants of Sherwood Forest forbade multi-family units. The covenants define Sherwood Forest as a neighborhood of single-family houses.

Baker attests that he wasn’t aware of the covenants when he purchased an existing home in the subdivision in 2006, and that no one, including his Realtor, informed him of their existence.

“He felt the information he received when he purchased it was that he was entitled to (build the condo),” said Baker’s attorney, Bryant D. Webster of Black Mountain.

Apparently, the conflict between Baker and the homeowners association started when residents of the subdivision witnessed construction work on the property and notified the homeowners association that it appeared to be in violation of the neighborhood covenants, according to the lawsuit.

The existing home on the lot already had the makings of a multi-family unit, Baker argued. The three-floor house had a separate kitchen and bath on each floor, as well as a coin laundry in the basement.

But this is where the situation gets murky. Both sides agreed that the property was used to house members of the same extended family up until it was sold in 2003, which would explain the separate kitchens. However, Baker contended that in 2005, the property was entered into a multi-leasing situation, with three separate, unrelated individuals renting out each floor.

The homeowners association didn’t agree. It claimed the leases that Baker presented as evidence were insufficient proof that the unit was ever rented out by floor, according to the lawsuit. And members of the homeowners association filled out sworn affidavits attesting that they only became aware of the multi-family use of the property after Baker bought it in 2006. They said there was nothing in the external appearance of the building to indicate it was used as a multi-family unit, and that there were never more than one or two cars there at any given time.

Baker ended up suing the homeowners association to construct his six-unit condo. His main defense was that the homeowners association failed to complain about the multi-family nature of the structure within the required six-year statute of limitations, which he claims started ticking when the unit was first built.

“We felt it was a very strong argument that ... they had not exercised those rights within the applicable time period,” Webster said.

In a judgment handed down March 23 in Haywood County Superior Court, neither party was a clear winner, or a clear loser. The court found that Baker’s structure had been used for multi-family purposes in the past, and could continue to be used as such. However, the court restricted Baker to the three units — one on each floor — and didn’t grant him permission to build three more like he had planned. It also didn’t grant Baker rights to town water and sewer.

“What the court did was in essence split the baby and found that ... it would not be fair to prevent Baker from using it as a three-family unit, but that it would not be permitted to be anything more than that,” said Homeowners Association Attorney Bill Cannon of Waynesville. “The covenants of the subdivision remain intact.”

Cannon said he believes most of his clients — in total, the owners of 38 separate homes named in the lawsuit — were satisfied with the outcome.

Bryant said he felt “both sides got some of what they wanted.” However, he questioned whether the judge should have allowed the six condos Baker wanted since it was already classified as a multi-family structure.

“Our position is multi-family is multi-family, and once that is permitted, whether (Baker) does six units or three is of no real difference,” Bryant said. “Obviously the court didn’t see it exactly that way and we certainly respect the process and the wisdom of the judge who decided, and sometimes getting some of what you want is the best you’ll do.”

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