Unidxs spreads message of unity
Amid changing federal regulations regarding Immigration and Customs Enforcement, one Jackson County group is making the rounds at public meetings in an effort to remind both elected officials and community members that it is there to support the Hispanic community.
Let’s not go back in time
To the Editor:
In North Carolina we have a candidate for governor who is alleged to have said, “I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote … We want to bring back the America where Republicans and principles and true ideas of freedom rule.”
N.C. leaders remain – indignantly – on wrong side of HB2
When it comes to HB2, our state’s Republican leadership will eventually prove to be on the wrong side of history. Just give it some time.
Until then, however, the fallout from the so-called “bathroom bill” continues to reverberate around the nation and the state as hundreds of millions of dollars — perhaps billions — are sucked from the North Carolina economy. Our citizens and our communities are being forced to pay a steep price for this legislative intransigence at the same time we are beginning to work our way out of this stubborn recession.
Disability discrimination alleged in hiring of county veteran’s officer
A group of veterans in Haywood County lodged a formal complaint claiming that the hiring process of the county’s veterans service officer was discriminatory.