Sponsored: 5 Ways to Eat More Veggies
Question: I’m really good about eating vegetables in the summer when more of them are in season locally and when I have my own garden, but in the winter I know I fall short.
Sponsored: The Bonus of BEANS
One of my resolutions for 2024 is to try and incorporate more beans into our weekly meals.
Sponsored: Give your water some flavor
Question: I feel like I should be drinking more water, but I really don’t like plain water. Any suggestions?
Sponsored: Small Changes Can Add Up
Sometimes we make big goals or pronouncement about our health or fitness that may not be realistic or achievable. Here are some tips about making goals to improve your health:
Sponsored: Need some Nutrition Know-How? Ask Leah!
Connect with me and Ingles Market to find out about events, new items at Ingles, health, food and nutrition information.
Sponsored: Dealing with GERD
Question: My doctor has told me I have reflux and need to follow a “reflux diet” but I don’t know what that means. Can you help?
Sponsored: SUPERMARKET MYTH #1: Shop the Perimeter of the Store for “Healthy Food”
Fact: Nutritious and economical items can be found throughout the store.
Sponsored: Fiber: The Forgotten Part of Food
Fiber, most of us forget about it and most of us definitely don’t get enough of it! Fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. There is no fiber in meat, milk/dairy, seafood, or fats.
Sponsored: On Essential Oils: Is Natural Better?
Essential oils are often talked about as a natural product and remedy when it comes to aromatherapy, i.e. certain scents may be pleasant and calming if used in diffusers.