Baked Peaches

Rumble Reader Recipe: Baked Peaches
I spent the first 20 something years of my life not liking or eating peaches. Crazy, I know. But I am now making up for it with a vengeance. I love fresh peaches. Every summer I look forward to the moment we can get fresh peaches from the farmers market or a roadside stand. Peaches are delicious almost any way you prepare them but my personal favorite is a good peach dessert. I devour my mother-in-law's peach desserts including peach crisp, peach cobbler, peach crumble, peach roll and more. When I want the joy of a peach dessert without much effort, my go to is baked peaches. They’re certain to be a crowd pleaser and will smell heavenly. Top with vanilla ice cream for extra joy!
Several ripe peaches, peel and sliced
Mix in Brown sugar, Flour, Touch of Cinnamon, bourbon
Top with several slabs of butter
Bake at 400 for about 15 min