Learn to Can Tomatoes

Wondering what to do with all those tomatoes from your garden? Participants in two upcoming classes will learn how to safely can tomatoes.
Summertime brings an abundance of tomatoes in home and community gardens, at roadside stands and at farmer's markets. Canning tomatoes is a great way to preserve the abundance for use later in soups, stews, sauces and other recipes calling for canned tomatoes. This class will provide participants with an in-person, hands-on opportunity to learn how to safely can tomatoes using the Hot Water Bath processing method. Participants will learn how to identify a tested recipe, adjust for altitude, why tomatoes need to be acidified, how to prepare tomatoes as well as appropriate jars and lids for canning in a Hot Water Bath Canner.
The first class will take place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., the second from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., both on Wednesday, Aug. 24, at the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Haywood County Center.
Registration is $5. Visit haywood.ces.ncsu.edu/events/ for more information.