What Would Jesus Do?

Jesus was an incredible teacher of divine love. Through his teachings we learn that we can all have a direct relationship with God giving us access to our divine human potential. During this Easter season as our old selves symbolically die, let us look at what it means to live a life of love in action. Let’s see how we can tune into the energy of compassion and extend it outward to those that cross our path.
Where to start?
I am a believer in starting any shift in perspective with a part of life that feels less contentious. I like to recommend to clients to practice with people that are not dear friends or family in order to get the hang of an energetic principle that they are learning to integrate. Once these situations seem to be in hand, the universe always ups the ante in order to test the ability to hold a new vibration. So not to worry, those near and dear will be testing our ability to hold compassion soon enough.
Let us begin with common experiences that we can all relate to. Think about your interactions over the last week. Have you recently said an unkind word about another? Were you short on patience in a grocery line, on the highway at rush hour, or with a customer service representative on the phone? Do you find certain people intolerable? This is your hunting ground. Make a list of the situation or people you have complained about because we are getting ready to get our JC on!
What do those people represent?
Whenever we have an exchange with another person there is something in it for both parties. The “lesson or teaching” might be unique to each individual, but the opportunity takes place to give each person a chance to choose how they want to live their life. We believe it often comes down to our need to play the victim or the victor. I am going to ask that you suspend judgement momentarily and look at the overall story as though you were watching it from the safety of your seat in a theatre. We want to look at the energy behind the exchange and what pattern might be at play. Do we want to transform that pattern, or continue to perpetuate it by responding in our predictable way? Or to be more precise, do we choose to live in a fragmented way looking at each exchange as a separate experience or do we want to see the whole of who we are in every interaction with another?
Take a gander at that list. These frustrating people are your mirror. Whatever they are doing to upset you is an opportunity to see yourself more clearly. If they are not offering you good service, where in your life could you be more helpful to others? Where in your life might you need to shore up your skillset so you can be a better employee, partner, or boss? Could they be giving you a glimpse of your boundaries? By judging them, you energetically agree to be judged by them. How does it feel to you when people make assumptions about your choices, or decide how you should live your life?
WWJD? (What would Jesus do)
Once we can identify what’s seeking harmony in our lives, we can start the process of change. By seeing their behavior as their issue, we can now use that exchange to focus on our life. As we choose to see it from another perspective: one of appreciation and gratitude, we can connect more deeply to ourselves. We look at that part of us that we want to turn away from by making it wrong in someone else and decide instead to embrace it and find a new way to love ourselves unconditionally. In this acceptance of our own limits, we make room for a new awareness to enter and transform our lives.
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Jesus was a healer. He was a compassionate man and knew that the way to heal the body, was to see others through the eyes of their spirit. He would not see the illness or rigid human mindset. He chose instead to see them already healed and as a divine light made in the image of God. He could easily tap into the miraculous because he was viewing life from a broader perspective. Keep in mind that problems are created in one energy and solutions always come from a higher vibrational source.
The next time you are tempted to pass judgement or criticize anyone, remember what it means to encompass Christ consciousness and choose to love them instead. As we have compassion for someone else and consider that they might being going through a tough time when they are behaving badly, we must be accepting of ourselves when we are less than perfect. For we can only offer another person the energy (or quality) we hold first.
This higher vibrational source of energy can transform frustration into patience, bitterness into sweetness, and anxiety into peace. What lower vibrational force is waiting to die on the cross in your life? What new energy is awaiting resurrection? By being willing to surrender your judgements to a higher power you become the living mirror of compassion. This is the embodiment of the cosmic force of divine love.