Operation: Something Bruin

Cast of characters

something bruinDavey Webb (alias Davey Williams): an agent with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources who first started hunting with the Crisps in the fall of 2010.

Chad Arnold (alias Chad Ryan): an agent with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission who started hunting with the Crisps in 2011. 

Chad Crisp: a Graham County native who comes from a long line of hunters. He has received the harshest sentence of any of the hunters so far, shipping out last week to start his 20-month prison sentence. 

Rachelle Crisp: the wife of Chad Crisp and a stay-at-home mom for their two children, ages 6 and 7.

David Crisp: Chad Crisp’s father and owner of Crisp Boat Dock, convicted of one hunting violation and sentenced to 90 days in jail. 

Linda Crisp: Chad’s mother and David’s wife, she has been one of the most vocal critics of the operation. She alleges both men are innocent and were treated unfairly. 

Read 17016 times

Last modified on Wednesday, 12/08/2015

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