Trump’s mantra: let’s make a deal

To the Editor:

In answer to a reporter’s question at Mar-a-Lago on February 18 about the war in Ukraine, President Donald Trump said, as if he was speaking directly to Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky: “You could have made a deal.”

Mencken’s vision

When I asked a friend in the north of England what people there think of our recent election, he did not hold back. 

“The chief reaction here generally is one of utter incredulity,” he wrote. “There’s a sense of bewilderment at the number of people, apart from his most rabid supporters, who could actually vote for the creature, allied to a sense of wonder at a political and legal system which could allow it to happen.” 

Moving away from a place of fear

The passion surrounding the 2024 election was monumental, and as I observed my fellow Americans, the overarching emotion that simmered to the surface, no matter the party affiliation, was fear.

Giving the present to the future

No book review today. Instead, some words about the importance of words — yours.

If you’re reading these words and live in Western North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee, or parts of Georgia and South Carolina, then you survived the Great Flood of 2024.  

Wildfires a reminder of Nature’s power

A severe drought. A moderate but steady wind that’s coming from the north and very dry. Parched leaves swirling everywhere. 

The allure of gambling money

What’s behind Republican leaders’ insistent push to legalize multiple forms of gambling – from online sports betting to casinos and video poker kiosks — despite resistance from caucus members, core Republican voters, pastors and sheriffs? What happened to concerns about crime, addiction and victimizing the poor?   

Power: Where is it?

Power: when you feel like you don’t have it, it becomes your focus. Who likes to feel powerless? There are so many situations in which we feel like we are at the mercy of someone who can determine our time, our financial output, or our worth. What’s that about and how can we shift it?

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